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(function() { var debug = false; var root = this; var EXIF = function(obj) { if (obj instanceof EXIF) return obj; if (!(this instanceof EXIF)) return new EXIF(obj); this.EXIFwrapped = obj; }; if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { exports = module.exports = EXIF; } exports.EXIF = EXIF; } else { root.EXIF = EXIF; } var ExifTags = EXIF.Tags = { // version tags 0x9000 : "ExifVersion", // EXIF version 0xA000 : "FlashpixVersion", // Flashpix format version // colorspace tags 0xA001 : "ColorSpace", // Color space information tag // image configuration 0xA002 : "PixelXDimension", // Valid width of meaningful image 0xA003 : "PixelYDimension", // Valid height of meaningful image 0x9101 : "ComponentsConfiguration", // Information about channels 0x9102 : "CompressedBitsPerPixel", // Compressed bits per pixel // user information 0x927C : "MakerNote", // Any desired information written by the manufacturer 0x9286 : "UserComment", // Comments by user // related file 0xA004 : "RelatedSoundFile", // Name of related sound file // date and time 0x9003 : "DateTimeOriginal", // Date and time when the original image was generated 0x9004 : "DateTimeDigitized", // Date and time when the image was stored digitally 0x9290 : "SubsecTime", // Fractions of seconds for DateTime 0x9291 : "SubsecTimeOriginal", // Fractions of seconds for DateTimeOriginal 0x9292 : "SubsecTimeDigitized", // Fractions of seconds for DateTimeDigitized // picture-taking conditions 0x829A : "ExposureTime", // Exposure time (in seconds) 0x829D : "FNumber", // F number 0x8822 : "ExposureProgram", // Exposure program 0x8824 : "SpectralSensitivity", // Spectral sensitivity 0x8827 : "ISOSpeedRatings", // ISO speed rating 0x8828 : "OECF", // Optoelectric conversion factor 0x9201 : "ShutterSpeedValue", // Shutter speed 0x9202 : "ApertureValue", // Lens aperture 0x9203 : "BrightnessValue", // Value of brightness 0x9204 : "ExposureBias", // Exposure bias 0x9205 : "MaxApertureValue", // Smallest F number of lens 0x9206 : "SubjectDistance", // Distance to subject in meters 0x9207 : "MeteringMode", // Metering mode 0x9208 : "LightSource", // Kind of light source 0x9209 : "Flash", // Flash status 0x9214 : "SubjectArea", // Location and area of main subject 0x920A : "FocalLength", // Focal length of the lens in mm 0xA20B : "FlashEnergy", // Strobe energy in BCPS 0xA20C : "SpatialFrequencyResponse", // 0xA20E : "FocalPlaneXResolution", // Number of pixels in width direction per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit 0xA20F : "FocalPlaneYResolution", // Number of pixels in height direction per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit 0xA210 : "FocalPlaneResolutionUnit", // Unit for measuring FocalPlaneXResolution and FocalPlaneYResolution 0xA214 : "SubjectLocation", // Location of subject in image 0xA215 : "ExposureIndex", // Exposure index selected on camera 0xA217 : "SensingMethod", // Image sensor type 0xA300 : "FileSource", // Image source (3 == DSC) 0xA301 : "SceneType", // Scene type (1 == directly photographed) 0xA302 : "CFAPattern", // Color filter array geometric pattern 0xA401 : "CustomRendered", // Special processing 0xA402 : "ExposureMode", // Exposure mode 0xA403 : "WhiteBalance", // 1 = auto white balance, 2 = manual 0xA404 : "DigitalZoomRation", // Digital zoom ratio 0xA405 : "FocalLengthIn35mmFilm", // Equivalent foacl length assuming 35mm film camera (in mm) 0xA406 : "SceneCaptureType", // Type of scene 0xA407 : "GainControl", // Degree of overall image gain adjustment 0xA408 : "Contrast", // Direction of contrast processing applied by camera 0xA409 : "Saturation", // Direction of saturation processing applied by camera 0xA40A : "Sharpness", // Direction of sharpness processing applied by camera 0xA40B : "DeviceSettingDescription", // 0xA40C : "SubjectDistanceRange", // Distance to subject // other tags 0xA005 : "InteroperabilityIFDPointer", 0xA420 : "ImageUniqueID" // Identifier assigned uniquely to each image }; var TiffTags = EXIF.TiffTags = { 0x0100 : "ImageWidth", 0x0101 : "ImageHeight", 0x8769 : "ExifIFDPointer", 0x8825 : "GPSInfoIFDPointer", 0xA005 : "InteroperabilityIFDPointer", 0x0102 : "BitsPerSample", 0x0103 : "Compression", 0x0106 : "PhotometricInterpretation", 0x0112 : "Orientation", 0x0115 : "SamplesPerPixel", 0x011C : "PlanarConfiguration", 0x0212 : "YCbCrSubSampling", 0x0213 : "YCbCrPositioning", 0x011A : "XResolution", 0x011B : "YResolution", 0x0128 : "ResolutionUnit", 0x0111 : "StripOffsets", 0x0116 : "RowsPerStrip", 0x0117 : "StripByteCounts", 0x0201 : "JPEGInterchangeFormat", 0x0202 : "JPEGInterchangeFormatLength", 0x012D : "TransferFunction", 0x013E : "WhitePoint", 0x013F : "PrimaryChromaticities", 0x0211 : "YCbCrCoefficients", 0x0214 : "ReferenceBlackWhite", 0x0132 : "DateTime", 0x010E : "ImageDescription", 0x010F : "Make", 0x0110 : "Model", 0x0131 : "Software", 0x013B : "Artist", 0x8298 : "Copyright" }; var GPSTags = EXIF.GPSTags = { 0x0000 : "GPSVersionID", 0x0001 : "GPSLatitudeRef", 0x0002 : "GPSLatitude", 0x0003 : "GPSLongitudeRef", 0x0004 : "GPSLongitude", 0x0005 : "GPSAltitudeRef", 0x0006 : "GPSAltitude", 0x0007 : "GPSTimeStamp", 0x0008 : "GPSSatellites", 0x0009 : "GPSStatus", 0x000A : "GPSMeasureMode", 0x000B : "GPSDOP", 0x000C : "GPSSpeedRef", 0x000D : "GPSSpeed", 0x000E : "GPSTrackRef", 0x000F : "GPSTrack", 0x0010 : "GPSImgDirectionRef", 0x0011 : "GPSImgDirection", 0x0012 : "GPSMapDatum", 0x0013 : "GPSDestLatitudeRef", 0x0014 : "GPSDestLatitude", 0x0015 : "GPSDestLongitudeRef", 0x0016 : "GPSDestLongitude", 0x0017 : "GPSDestBearingRef", 0x0018 : "GPSDestBearing", 0x0019 : "GPSDestDistanceRef", 0x001A : "GPSDestDistance", 0x001B : "GPSProcessingMethod", 0x001C : "GPSAreaInformation", 0x001D : "GPSDateStamp", 0x001E : "GPSDifferential" }; var StringValues = EXIF.StringValues = { ExposureProgram : { 0 : "Not defined", 1 : "Manual", 2 : "Normal program", 3 : "Aperture priority", 4 : "Shutter priority", 5 : "Creative program", 6 : "Action program", 7 : "Portrait mode", 8 : "Landscape mode" }, MeteringMode : { 0 : "Unknown", 1 : "Average", 2 : "CenterWeightedAverage", 3 : "Spot", 4 : "MultiSpot", 5 : "Pattern", 6 : "Partial", 255 : "Other" }, LightSource : { 0 : "Unknown", 1 : "Daylight", 2 : "Fluorescent", 3 : "Tungsten (incandescent light)", 4 : "Flash", 9 : "Fine weather", 10 : "Cloudy weather", 11 : "Shade", 12 : "Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 - 7100K)", 13 : "Day white fluorescent (N 4600 - 5400K)", 14 : "Cool white fluorescent (W 3900 - 4500K)", 15 : "White fluorescent (WW 3200 - 3700K)", 17 : "Standard light A", 18 : "Standard light B", 19 : "Standard light C", 20 : "D55", 21 : "D65", 22 : "D75", 23 : "D50", 24 : "ISO studio tungsten", 255 : "Other" }, Flash : { 0x0000 : "Flash did not fire", 0x0001 : "Flash fired", 0x0005 : "Strobe return light not detected", 0x0007 : "Strobe return light detected", 0x0009 : "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode", 0x000D : "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light not detected", 0x000F : "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light detected", 0x0010 : "Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode", 0x0018 : "Flash did not fire, auto mode", 0x0019 : "Flash fired, auto mode", 0x001D : "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected", 0x001F : "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected", 0x0020 : "No flash function", 0x0041 : "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode", 0x0045 : "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected", 0x0047 : "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected", 0x0049 : "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode", 0x004D : "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected", 0x004F : "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected", 0x0059 : "Flash fired, auto mode, red-eye reduction mode", 0x005D : "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected, red-eye reduction mode", 0x005F : "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected, red-eye reduction mode" }, SensingMethod : { 1 : "Not defined", 2 : "One-chip color area sensor", 3 : "Two-chip color area sensor", 4 : "Three-chip color area sensor", 5 : "Color sequential area sensor", 7 : "Trilinear sensor", 8 : "Color sequential linear sensor" }, SceneCaptureType : { 0 : "Standard", 1 : "Landscape", 2 : "Portrait", 3 : "Night scene" }, SceneType : { 1 : "Directly photographed" }, CustomRendered : { 0 : "Normal process", 1 : "Custom process" }, WhiteBalance : { 0 : "Auto white balance", 1 : "Manual white balance" }, GainControl : { 0 : "None", 1 : "Low gain up", 2 : "High gain up", 3 : "Low gain down", 4 : "High gain down" }, Contrast : { 0 : "Normal", 1 : "Soft", 2 : "Hard" }, Saturation : { 0 : "Normal", 1 : "Low saturation", 2 : "High saturation" }, Sharpness : { 0 : "Normal", 1 : "Soft", 2 : "Hard" }, SubjectDistanceRange : { 0 : "Unknown", 1 : "Macro", 2 : "Close view", 3 : "Distant view" }, FileSource : { 3 : "DSC" }, Components : { 0 : "", 1 : "Y", 2 : "Cb", 3 : "Cr", 4 : "R", 5 : "G", 6 : "B" } }; function addEvent(element, event, handler) { if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(event, handler, false); } else if (element.attachEvent) { element.attachEvent("on" + event, handler); } } function imageHasData(img) { return !!(img.exifdata); } function base64ToArrayBuffer(base64, contentType) { contentType = contentType || base64.match(/^data\:([^\;]+)\;base64,/mi)[1] || ''; // e.g. 'data:image/jpeg;base64,...' => 'image/jpeg' base64 = base64.replace(/^data\:([^\;]+)\;base64,/gmi, ''); var binary = atob(base64); var len = binary.length; var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(len); var view = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { view[i] = binary.charCodeAt(i); } return buffer; } function objectURLToBlob(url, callback) { var http = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true); http.responseType = "blob"; http.onload = function(e) { if (this.status == 200 || this.status === 0) { callback(this.response); } }; http.send(); } function getImageData(img, callback) { function handleBinaryFile(binFile) { var data = findEXIFinJPEG(binFile); var iptcdata = findIPTCinJPEG(binFile); img.exifdata = data || {}; img.iptcdata = iptcdata || {}; if (callback) {; } } if (img.src) { if (/^data\:/i.test(img.src)) { // Data URI var arrayBuffer = base64ToArrayBuffer(img.src); handleBinaryFile(arrayBuffer); } else if (/^blob\:/i.test(img.src)) { // Object URL var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function(e) { handleBinaryFile(; }; objectURLToBlob(img.src, function (blob) { fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); }); } else { var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); http.onload = function() { if (this.status == 200 || this.status === 0) { handleBinaryFile(http.response); } else { throw "Could not load image"; } http = null; };"GET", img.src, true); http.responseType = "arraybuffer"; http.send(null); } } else if (window.FileReader && (img instanceof window.Blob || img instanceof window.File)) { var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function(e) { if (debug) console.log("Got file of length " +; handleBinaryFile(; }; fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(img); } } function findEXIFinJPEG(file) { var dataView = new DataView(file); if (debug) console.log("Got file of length " + file.byteLength); if ((dataView.getUint8(0) != 0xFF) || (dataView.getUint8(1) != 0xD8)) { if (debug) console.log("Not a valid JPEG"); return false; // not a valid jpeg } var offset = 2, length = file.byteLength, marker; while (offset < length) { if (dataView.getUint8(offset) != 0xFF) { if (debug) console.log("Not a valid marker at offset " + offset + ", found: " + dataView.getUint8(offset)); return false; // not a valid marker, something is wrong } marker = dataView.getUint8(offset + 1); if (debug) console.log(marker); // we could implement handling for other markers here, // but we're only looking for 0xFFE1 for EXIF data if (marker == 225) { if (debug) console.log("Found 0xFFE1 marker"); return readEXIFData(dataView, offset + 4, dataView.getUint16(offset + 2) - 2); // offset += 2 + file.getShortAt(offset+2, true); } else { offset += 2 + dataView.getUint16(offset+2); } } } function findIPTCinJPEG(file) { var dataView = new DataView(file); if (debug) console.log("Got file of length " + file.byteLength); if ((dataView.getUint8(0) != 0xFF) || (dataView.getUint8(1) != 0xD8)) { if (debug) console.log("Not a valid JPEG"); return false; // not a valid jpeg } var offset = 2, length = file.byteLength; var isFieldSegmentStart = function(dataView, offset){ return ( dataView.getUint8(offset) === 0x38 && dataView.getUint8(offset+1) === 0x42 && dataView.getUint8(offset+2) === 0x49 && dataView.getUint8(offset+3) === 0x4D && dataView.getUint8(offset+4) === 0x04 && dataView.getUint8(offset+5) === 0x04 ); }; while (offset < length) { if ( isFieldSegmentStart(dataView, offset )){ // Get the length of the name header (which is padded to an even number of bytes) var nameHeaderLength = dataView.getUint8(offset+7); if(nameHeaderLength % 2 !== 0) nameHeaderLength += 1; // Check for pre photoshop 6 format if(nameHeaderLength === 0) { // Always 4 nameHeaderLength = 4; } var startOffset = offset + 8 + nameHeaderLength; var sectionLength = dataView.getUint16(offset + 6 + nameHeaderLength); return readIPTCData(file, startOffset, sectionLength); break; } // Not the marker, continue searching offset++; } } var IptcFieldMap = { 0x78 : 'caption', 0x6E : 'credit', 0x19 : 'keywords', 0x37 : 'dateCreated', 0x50 : 'byline', 0x55 : 'bylineTitle', 0x7A : 'captionWriter', 0x69 : 'headline', 0x74 : 'copyright', 0x0F : 'category' }; function readIPTCData(file, startOffset, sectionLength){ var dataView = new DataView(file); var data = {}; var fieldValue, fieldName, dataSize, segmentType, segmentSize; var segmentStartPos = startOffset; while(segmentStartPos < startOffset+sectionLength) { if(dataView.getUint8(segmentStartPos) === 0x1C && dataView.getUint8(segmentStartPos+1) === 0x02){ segmentType = dataView.getUint8(segmentStartPos+2); if(segmentType in IptcFieldMap) { dataSize = dataView.getInt16(segmentStartPos+3); segmentSize = dataSize + 5; fieldName = IptcFieldMap[segmentType]; fieldValue = getStringFromDB(dataView, segmentStartPos+5, dataSize); // Check if we already stored a value with this name if(data.hasOwnProperty(fieldName)) { // Value already stored with this name, create multivalue field if(data[fieldName] instanceof Array) { data[fieldName].push(fieldValue); } else { data[fieldName] = [data[fieldName], fieldValue]; } } else { data[fieldName] = fieldValue; } } } segmentStartPos++; } return data; } function readTags(file, tiffStart, dirStart, strings, bigEnd) { var entries = file.getUint16(dirStart, !bigEnd), tags = {}, entryOffset, tag, i; for (i=0;i4 ? valueOffset : (entryOffset + 8); vals = []; for (n=0;n 4 ? valueOffset : (entryOffset + 8); return getStringFromDB(file, offset, numValues-1); case 3: // short, 16 bit int if (numValues == 1) { return file.getUint16(entryOffset + 8, !bigEnd); } else { offset = numValues > 2 ? valueOffset : (entryOffset + 8); vals = []; for (n=0;n