

创新互联建站专注于吴起网站建设服务及定制,我们拥有丰富的企业做网站经验。 热诚为您提供吴起营销型网站建设,吴起网站制作、吴起网页设计、吴起网站官网定制、重庆小程序开发公司服务,打造吴起网络公司原创品牌,更为您提供吴起网站排名全网营销落地服务。


  1. 更少,更紧凑,和更清晰的代码
  2. 通过规避和改变对JavaScript中不良部分的使用,只留下精华,让代码减少出错率,更容易维护
  3. 在很多常用模式的实现上采用了JavaScript中的最佳实践
  4. CoffeeScript生成的JavaScript代码都可以完全通过JSLint的检测



app = angular.module('app', [])

    .value("$host", "http://nemo.sonarsource.org")

    .factory("$requestUrl", ($host) -> "#{$host}/api/resources")

    .factory("$dynamicColor", ($host) ->

        [r,g,b] = [10,10,0]


          getColor: ->

               [r,g,b] = [(r+100), (g+400), (b + 200)]

               "##{(r + 256 * g + 65536 * b).toString 16 }"


          reset: ->

               [r,g,b] = [10,10,0]


    ).directive('chartData', ->

            drawChart = (elementId, data) ->

               chart = new AmCharts.AmPieChart()

               chart.dataProvider = data

               chart.titleField = "name"

               chart.valueField = "percentage"

               chart.colorField = "color"

               chart.labelsEnabled = false

               chart.pullOutRadius = 0

               chart.depth4D = 20

               chart.angle = 45

               legend = new AmCharts.AmLegend()

               legend.makerType = "square"

               legend.align = "center"

               chart.addLegend legend


               chart.write elementId



            (scope, element, attr) ->


                  scope.already.push( ->

                     data = scope.$eval(attr.chartData);

                     drawChart(element[0].id, data);

                  ) if element[0].id



report = ($scope, $window, $http, $requestUrl, $dynamicColor) ->

    $scope.already = []

    $window.angularJsonpCallBack = (data) ->

         @data = data

         getObjectByKey = (msr , key) ->

            m for m in msr when m.key == key


         $scope.gridSource = $scope.projects = data


         ready = (queues) -> angular.forEach(queues, (q) -> q() )

         ready $scope.already


    $scope.getLanguageChartData = ->

         data = _.groupBy $scope.projects , (project) -> project.lang


         chartData = _.map(data, (array, key) ->





         _.sortBy(chartData, (num) -> num.percentage )


    $scope.search = ->

        source = []

        if not this.searchName

            source = @projects


            source = _.filter @projects, (p) ->

                       p.name.toLowerCase().indexOf $scope.searchName.toLowerCase() != -1


        source = _.sortBy(source, (p) -> p[$scope.sortCondition.key].toLowerCase()) if @sortCondition and @sortCondition.key


        source.reverse() if @sortCondition.sort and not @sortCondition.sort[$scope.sortCondition.key]


        @gridSource = source


    $scope.sort = (name) ->

        @sortCondition ?= {}

        @sortCondition.sort ?= {}

        @sortCondition.key = name

        @sortCondition.sort[name] = not @sortCondition.sort[name]



    $scope.init = ->

        $http.jsonp "#{$requestUrl}?callback=angularJsonpCallBack"


app.controller "report", report


var app, report;

app = angular.module('app', []).value("$host", "http://nemo.sonarsource.org").factory("$requestUrl", function($host) {
  return "" + $host + "/api/resources";
}).factory("$dynamicColor", function($host) {
  var b, g, r, _ref;
  _ref = [10, 10, 0], r = _ref[0], g = _ref[1], b = _ref[2];
  return {
    getColor: function() {
      var _ref1;
      _ref1 = [r + 100, g + 400, b + 200], r = _ref1[0], g = _ref1[1], b = _ref1[2];
      return "#" + ((r + 256 * g + 65536 * b).toString(16));
    reset: function() {
      var _ref1;
      return _ref1 = [10, 10, 0], r = _ref1[0], g = _ref1[1], b = _ref1[2], _ref1;
}).directive('chartData', function() {
  var drawChart;
  drawChart = function(elementId, data) {
    var chart, legend;
    chart = new AmCharts.AmPieChart();
    chart.dataProvider = data;
    chart.titleField = "name";
    chart.valueField = "percentage";
    chart.colorField = "color";
    chart.labelsEnabled = false;
    chart.pullOutRadius = 0;
    chart.depth4D = 20;
    chart.angle = 45;
    legend = new AmCharts.AmLegend();
    legend.makerType = "square";
    legend.align = "center";
    return chart;
  return function(scope, element, attr) {
    if (element[0].id) {
      return scope.already.push(function() {
        var data;
        data = scope.$eval(attr.chartData);
        return drawChart(element[0].id, data);

report = function($scope, $window, $http, $requestUrl, $dynamicColor) {
  $scope.already = [];
  $window.angularJsonpCallBack = function(data) {
    var getObjectByKey, ready;
    this.data = data;
    getObjectByKey = function(msr, key) {
      var m, _i, _len, _results;
      _results = [];
      for (_i = 0, _len = msr.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
        m = msr[_i];
        if (m.key === key) {
      return _results;
    $scope.gridSource = $scope.projects = data;
    ready = function(queues) {
      return angular.forEach(queues, function(q) {
        return q();
    return ready($scope.already);
  $scope.getLanguageChartData = function() {
    var chartData, data;
    data = _.groupBy($scope.projects, function(project) {
      return project.lang;
    chartData = _.map(data, function(array, key) {
      return {
        "name": key,
        "percentage": array.length,
        "color": $dynamicColor.getColor()
    return _.sortBy(chartData, function(num) {
      return num.percentage;
  $scope.search = function() {
    var source;
    source = [];
    if (!this.searchName) {
      source = this.projects;
    } else {
      source = _.filter(this.projects, function(p) {
        return p.name.toLowerCase().indexOf($scope.searchName.toLowerCase() !== -1);
    if (this.sortCondition && this.sortCondition.key) {
      source = _.sortBy(source, function(p) {
        return p[$scope.sortCondition.key].toLowerCase();
    if (this.sortCondition.sort && !this.sortCondition.sort[$scope.sortCondition.key]) {
    return this.gridSource = source;
  $scope.sort = function(name) {
    var _base, _ref, _ref1;
    if ((_ref = this.sortCondition) == null) {
      this.sortCondition = {};
    if ((_ref1 = (_base = this.sortCondition).sort) == null) {
      _base.sort = {};
    this.sortCondition.key = name;
    this.sortCondition.sort[name] = !this.sortCondition.sort[name];
    return this.search();
  return $scope.init = function() {
    return $http.jsonp("" + $requestUrl + "?callback=angularJsonpCallBack");

app.controller("report", report);


  1. CoffeeScript
  2. CoffeeScript详解
  3. CoffeeScript: The beautiful way to write JavaScript
  4. 当jQuery遭遇CoffeeScript——妙不可言

