drop table if exists t_null1; create table t_null1(c1 int); insert into t_null1 values(1); insert into t_null1 values(2); insert into t_null1 values(null); drop table if exists t_null2; create table t_null2(c1 int); insert into t_null2 values(1); insert into t_null2 values(null);
/* * reduce_outer_joins * Attempt to reduce outer joins to plain inner joins. * * The idea here is that given a query like * SELECT ... FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON (...) WHERE b.y = 42; * we can reduce the LEFT JOIN to a plain JOIN if the "=" operator in WHERE * is strict. The strict operator will always return NULL, causing the outer * WHERE to fail, on any row where the LEFT JOIN filled in NULLs for b's * columns. Therefore, there's no need for the join to produce null-extended * rows in the first place --- which makes it a plain join not an outer join. * (This scenario may not be very likely in a query written out by hand, but * it's reasonably likely when pushing quals down into complex views.) * * More generally, an outer join can be reduced in strength if there is a * strict qual above it in the qual tree that constrains a Var from the * nullable side of the join to be non-null. (For FULL joins this applies * to each side separately.) * * Another transformation we apply here is to recognize cases like * SELECT ... FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON (a.x = b.y) WHERE b.y IS NULL; * If the join clause is strict for b.y, then only null-extended rows could * pass the upper WHERE, and we can conclude that what the query is really * specifying is an anti-semijoin. We change the join type from JOIN_LEFT * to JOIN_ANTI. The IS NULL clause then becomes redundant, and must be * removed to prevent bogus selectivity calculations, but we leave it to * distribute_qual_to_rels to get rid of such clauses. * * Also, we get rid of JOIN_RIGHT cases by flipping them around to become * JOIN_LEFT. This saves some code here and in some later planner routines, * but the main reason to do it is to not need to invent a JOIN_REVERSE_ANTI * join type. * * To ease recognition of strict qual clauses, we require this routine to be * run after expression preprocessing (i.e., qual canonicalization and JOIN * alias-var expansion). */
SELECT ... FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON (...) WHERE b.y = 42;
之所以可以变换为内连接,那是因为这样的语句与内连接处理的结果是一样的,原因是在Nullable-Side端(需要填充NULL值的一端),存在过滤条件保证这一端不可能是NULL值,比如IS NOT NULL/y = 42这类强(strict)过滤条件.
testdb=# explain verbose select * from t_null1 a left join t_null2 b on a.c1 = b.c1; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merge Left Join (cost=359.57..860.00 rows=32512 width=8) -- 外连接 Output: a.c1, b.c1 Merge Cond: (a.c1 = b.c1) -> Sort (cost=179.78..186.16 rows=2550 width=4) Output: a.c1 Sort Key: a.c1 -> Seq Scan on public.t_null1 a (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=2550 width=4) Output: a.c1 -> Sort (cost=179.78..186.16 rows=2550 width=4) Output: b.c1 Sort Key: b.c1 -> Seq Scan on public.t_null2 b (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=2550 width=4) Output: b.c1 (13 rows) testdb=# explain verbose select * from t_null1 a left join t_null2 b on a.c1 = b.c1 where b.c1 = 1; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nested Loop (cost=0.00..85.89 rows=169 width=8) -- 外连接(Left关键字)已被消除 Output: a.c1, b.c1 -> Seq Scan on public.t_null1 a (cost=0.00..41.88 rows=13 width=4) Output: a.c1 Filter: (a.c1 = 1) -> Materialize (cost=0.00..41.94 rows=13 width=4) Output: b.c1 -> Seq Scan on public.t_null2 b (cost=0.00..41.88 rows=13 width=4) Output: b.c1 Filter: (b.c1 = 1) (10 rows)
SELECT ... FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON (a.x = b.y) WHERE b.y IS NULL;
过滤条件已明确要求Nullable-Side端y IS NULL,如果连接条件是a.x = b.y这类严格(strict)的条件,那么这样的外连接与反半连接的结果是一样的.
testdb=# explain verbose select * from t_null1 a left join t_null2 b on a.c1 = b.c1 where b.c1 is null; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hash Anti Join (cost=67.38..152.44 rows=1275 width=8) -- 变换为反连接 Output: a.c1, b.c1 Hash Cond: (a.c1 = b.c1) -> Seq Scan on public.t_null1 a (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=2550 width=4) Output: a.c1 -> Hash (cost=35.50..35.50 rows=2550 width=4) Output: b.c1 -> Seq Scan on public.t_null2 b (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=2550 width=4) Output: b.c1 (9 rows)
值得一提的是,在PG中,形如SELECT ... FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON (...) WHERE b.y = 42;这样的SQL语句,WHERE b.y = 42这类条件可以视为连接的上层过滤条件,在查询树中,Jointree->fromlist(元素类型为JoinExpr)与Jointree->quals处于同一层次,由于JoinExpr中的quals为同层条件,因此其上层即为Jointree->quals.有兴趣的可以查看日志输出查看Query查询树结构.
/* * If we have any outer joins, try to reduce them to plain inner joins. * This step is most easily done after we've done expression * preprocessing. */ if (hasOuterJoins) reduce_outer_joins(root);
typedef struct reduce_outer_joins_state { Relids relids; /* base relids within this subtree */ bool contains_outer; /* does subtree contain outer join(s)? */ List *sub_states; /* List of states for subtree components */ } reduce_outer_joins_state;
typedef struct Bitmapset { int nwords; /* number of words in array */ bitmapword words[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER]; /* really [nwords] */ } Bitmapset; #define WORDNUM(x) ((x) / BITS_PER_BITMAPWORD) #define BITNUM(x) ((x) % BITS_PER_BITMAPWORD) /* The unit size can be adjusted by changing these three declarations: */ #define BITS_PER_BITMAPWORD 32 typedef uint32 bitmapword; /* must be an unsigned type */ /* * bms_make_singleton - build a bitmapset containing a single member */ Bitmapset * bms_make_singleton(int x) { Bitmapset *result; int wordnum, bitnum; if (x < 0) elog(ERROR, "negative bitmapset member not allowed"); wordnum = WORDNUM(x); bitnum = BITNUM(x); result = (Bitmapset *) palloc0(BITMAPSET_SIZE(wordnum + 1)); result->nwords = wordnum + 1; result->words[wordnum] = ((bitmapword) 1 << bitnum); return result; } /* * bms_add_member - add a specified member to set * * Input set is modified or recycled! */ Bitmapset * bms_add_member(Bitmapset *a, int x) { int wordnum, bitnum; if (x < 0) elog(ERROR, "negative bitmapset member not allowed"); if (a == NULL) return bms_make_singleton(x); wordnum = WORDNUM(x); bitnum = BITNUM(x); /* enlarge the set if necessary */ if (wordnum >= a->nwords) { int oldnwords = a->nwords; int i; a = (Bitmapset *) repalloc(a, BITMAPSET_SIZE(wordnum + 1)); a->nwords = wordnum + 1; /* zero out the enlarged portion */ for (i = oldnwords; i < a->nwords; i++) a->words[i] = 0; } a->words[wordnum] |= ((bitmapword) 1 << bitnum); return a; }
/* * find_nonnullable_rels * Determine which base rels are forced nonnullable by given clause. * * Returns the set of all Relids that are referenced in the clause in such * a way that the clause cannot possibly return TRUE if any of these Relids * is an all-NULL row. (It is OK to err on the side of conservatism; hence * the analysis here is simplistic.) * * The semantics here are subtly different from contain_nonstrict_functions: * that function is concerned with NULL results from arbitrary expressions, * but here we assume that the input is a Boolean expression, and wish to * see if NULL inputs will provably cause a FALSE-or-NULL result. We expect * the expression to have been AND/OR flattened and converted to implicit-AND * format. * * Note: this function is largely duplicative of find_nonnullable_vars(). * The reason not to simplify this function into a thin wrapper around * find_nonnullable_vars() is that the tested conditions really are different: * a clause like "t1.v1 IS NOT NULL OR t1.v2 IS NOT NULL" does not prove * that either v1 or v2 can't be NULL, but it does prove that the t1 row * as a whole can't be all-NULL. * * top_level is true while scanning top-level AND/OR structure; here, showing * the result is either FALSE or NULL is good enough. top_level is false when * we have descended below a NOT or a strict function: now we must be able to * prove that the subexpression goes to NULL. * * We don't use expression_tree_walker here because we don't want to descend * through very many kinds of nodes; only the ones we can be sure are strict. */ Relids find_nonnullable_rels(Node *clause) { return find_nonnullable_rels_walker(clause, true); } static Relids find_nonnullable_rels_walker(Node *node, bool top_level) { Relids result = NULL; ListCell *l; if (node == NULL) return NULL; if (IsA(node, Var)) { Var *var = (Var *) node; if (var->varlevelsup == 0) result = bms_make_singleton(var->varno); } else if (IsA(node, List)) { /* * At top level, we are examining an implicit-AND list: if any of the * arms produces FALSE-or-NULL then the result is FALSE-or-NULL. If * not at top level, we are examining the arguments of a strict * function: if any of them produce NULL then the result of the * function must be NULL. So in both cases, the set of nonnullable * rels is the union of those found in the arms, and we pass down the * top_level flag unmodified. */ foreach(l, (List *) node) { result = bms_join(result, find_nonnullable_rels_walker(lfirst(l), top_level)); } } else if (IsA(node, FuncExpr)) { FuncExpr *expr = (FuncExpr *) node; if (func_strict(expr->funcid)) result = find_nonnullable_rels_walker((Node *) expr->args, false); } else if (IsA(node, OpExpr)) { OpExpr *expr = (OpExpr *) node; set_opfuncid(expr); if (func_strict(expr->opfuncid)) result = find_nonnullable_rels_walker((Node *) expr->args, false); } else if (IsA(node, ScalarArrayOpExpr)) { ScalarArrayOpExpr *expr = (ScalarArrayOpExpr *) node; if (is_strict_saop(expr, true)) result = find_nonnullable_rels_walker((Node *) expr->args, false); } else if (IsA(node, BoolExpr)) { BoolExpr *expr = (BoolExpr *) node; switch (expr->boolop) { case AND_EXPR: /* At top level we can just recurse (to the List case) */ if (top_level) { result = find_nonnullable_rels_walker((Node *) expr->args, top_level); break; } /* * Below top level, even if one arm produces NULL, the result * could be FALSE (hence not NULL). However, if *all* the * arms produce NULL then the result is NULL, so we can take * the intersection of the sets of nonnullable rels, just as * for OR. Fall through to share code. */ /* FALL THRU */ case OR_EXPR: /* * OR is strict if all of its arms are, so we can take the * intersection of the sets of nonnullable rels for each arm. * This works for both values of top_level. */ foreach(l, expr->args) { Relids subresult; subresult = find_nonnullable_rels_walker(lfirst(l), top_level); if (result == NULL) /* first subresult? */ result = subresult; else result = bms_int_members(result, subresult); /* * If the intersection is empty, we can stop looking. This * also justifies the test for first-subresult above. */ if (bms_is_empty(result)) break; } break; case NOT_EXPR: /* NOT will return null if its arg is null */ result = find_nonnullable_rels_walker((Node *) expr->args, false); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized boolop: %d", (int) expr->boolop); break; } } else if (IsA(node, RelabelType)) { RelabelType *expr = (RelabelType *) node; result = find_nonnullable_rels_walker((Node *) expr->arg, top_level); } else if (IsA(node, CoerceViaIO)) { /* not clear this is useful, but it can't hurt */ CoerceViaIO *expr = (CoerceViaIO *) node; result = find_nonnullable_rels_walker((Node *) expr->arg, top_level); } else if (IsA(node, ArrayCoerceExpr)) { /* ArrayCoerceExpr is strict at the array level; ignore elemexpr */ ArrayCoerceExpr *expr = (ArrayCoerceExpr *) node; result = find_nonnullable_rels_walker((Node *) expr->arg, top_level); } else if (IsA(node, ConvertRowtypeExpr)) { /* not clear this is useful, but it can't hurt */ ConvertRowtypeExpr *expr = (ConvertRowtypeExpr *) node; result = find_nonnullable_rels_walker((Node *) expr->arg, top_level); } else if (IsA(node, CollateExpr)) { CollateExpr *expr = (CollateExpr *) node; result = find_nonnullable_rels_walker((Node *) expr->arg, top_level); } else if (IsA(node, NullTest)) { /* IS NOT NULL can be considered strict, but only at top level */ NullTest *expr = (NullTest *) node; if (top_level && expr->nulltesttype == IS_NOT_NULL && !expr->argisrow) result = find_nonnullable_rels_walker((Node *) expr->arg, false); } else if (IsA(node, BooleanTest)) { /* Boolean tests that reject NULL are strict at top level */ BooleanTest *expr = (BooleanTest *) node; if (top_level && (expr->booltesttype == IS_TRUE || expr->booltesttype == IS_FALSE || expr->booltesttype == IS_NOT_UNKNOWN)) result = find_nonnullable_rels_walker((Node *) expr->arg, false); } else if (IsA(node, PlaceHolderVar)) { PlaceHolderVar *phv = (PlaceHolderVar *) node; result = find_nonnullable_rels_walker((Node *) phv->phexpr, top_level); } return result; }
select * from t_null1 a left join t_null2 b on a.c1 = b.c1 where b.c1 = 1;
(gdb) b reduce_outer_joins Breakpoint 1 at 0x77faf5: file prepjointree.c, line 2484. (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 1, reduce_outer_joins (root=0x2eafa98) at prepjointree.c:2484 2484 state = reduce_outer_joins_pass1((Node *) root->parse->jointree); (gdb) b reduce_outer_joins Breakpoint 1 at 0x77faf5: file prepjointree.c, line 2484. ... #进入reduce_outer_joins_pass1 (gdb) step reduce_outer_joins_pass1 (jtnode=0x2ea4af8) at prepjointree.c:2504 ... (gdb) p *f $2 = {type = T_FromExpr, fromlist = 0x2ea4668, quals = 0x2edcae8} #进入FromExpr分支 (gdb) n 2527 sub_state = reduce_outer_joins_pass1(lfirst(l)); ##递归调用 (gdb) step reduce_outer_joins_pass1 (jtnode=0x2dd40f0) at prepjointree.c:2504 2504 result = (reduce_outer_joins_state *) ##进入JoinExpr分支 2534 else if (IsA(jtnode, JoinExpr)) (gdb) 2536 JoinExpr *j = (JoinExpr *) jtnode; (gdb) p *j $3 = {type = T_JoinExpr, jointype = JOIN_LEFT, isNatural = false, larg = 0x2dd49e0, rarg = 0x2dd4c68, usingClause = 0x0, quals = 0x2edc828, alias = 0x0, rtindex = 3} ###递归调用 2543 sub_state = reduce_outer_joins_pass1(j->larg); (gdb) step reduce_outer_joins_pass1 (jtnode=0x2dd49e0) at prepjointree.c:2504 2504 result = (reduce_outer_joins_state *) ###进入RangeTblRef分支 2512 if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef)) (gdb) 2514 int varno = ((RangeTblRef *) jtnode)->rtindex; ... ###JoinExpr处理完毕 2549 sub_state = reduce_outer_joins_pass1(j->rarg); (gdb) 2551 sub_state->relids); (gdb) 2550 result->relids = bms_add_members(result->relids, (gdb) 2552 result->contains_outer |= sub_state->contains_outer; (gdb) 2553 result->sub_states = lappend(result->sub_states, sub_state); (gdb) 2558 return result; (gdb) p *result $12 = {relids = 0x2ea61e8, contains_outer = true, sub_states = 0x2edcbc8} (gdb) p *result->relids $13 = {nwords = 1, words = 0x2ea61ec} (gdb) p *result->sub_states $14 = {type = T_List, length = 2, head = 0x2edcba8, tail = 0x2edcc40} (gdb) n 2559 } (gdb) ##回到FromExpr ... 2523 foreach(l, f->fromlist) (gdb) p *result $18 = {relids = 0x2edcc60, contains_outer = true, sub_states = 0x2edcc98} #回到reduce_outer_joins reduce_outer_joins (root=0x2eafa98) at prepjointree.c:2487 2487 if (state == NULL || !state->contains_outer) (gdb) p *state $21 = {relids = 0x2edcc60, contains_outer = true, sub_states = 0x2edcc98} (gdb) p *state->relids[0]->words $30 = 6 -->Relids,1 & 2,即1<<1 | 1 << 2 #进入reduce_outer_joins_pass2 (gdb) step reduce_outer_joins_pass2 (jtnode=0x2ea4af8, state=0x2edcb18, root=0x2eafa98, nonnullable_rels=0x0, nonnullable_vars=0x0, forced_null_vars=0x0) at prepjointree.c:2583 2583 if (jtnode == NULL) ... #进入FromExpr分支 2587 else if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr)) (gdb) 2589 FromExpr *f = (FromExpr *) jtnode; ... #寻找FromExpr中存在过滤条件为NOT NULL的Relids (gdb) n 2597 pass_nonnullable_rels = find_nonnullable_rels(f->quals); (gdb) 2598 pass_nonnullable_rels = bms_add_members(pass_nonnullable_rels, (gdb) p pass_nonnullable_rels->words[0] $34 = 4 -- rtindex = 2的Relid #寻找NOT NULL's Vars 2601 pass_nonnullable_vars = find_nonnullable_vars(f->quals); (gdb) 2602 pass_nonnullable_vars = list_concat(pass_nonnullable_vars, (gdb) 2604 pass_forced_null_vars = find_forced_null_vars(f->quals); (gdb) p *pass_nonnullable_vars $35 = {type = T_List, length = 1, head = 0x2edcce0, tail = 0x2edcce0} (gdb) p *(Node *)pass_nonnullable_vars->head->data.ptr_value $36 = {type = T_Var} (gdb) p *(Var *)pass_nonnullable_vars->head->data.ptr_value $37 = {xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 2, varattno = 1, vartype = 23, vartypmod = -1, varcollid = 0, varlevelsup = 0, varnoold = 2, varoattno = 1, location = 65} -- rtindex=2的RTE,属性编号为1的字段 ##递归调用reduce_outer_joins_pass2 (gdb) 2614 reduce_outer_joins_pass2(lfirst(l), sub_state, root, (gdb) step reduce_outer_joins_pass2 (jtnode=0x2dd40f0, state=0x2edcb48, root=0x2eafa98, nonnullable_rels=0x2edccc8, nonnullable_vars=0x2edcd00, forced_null_vars=0x0) at prepjointree.c:2583 2583 if (jtnode == NULL) ##进入JoinExpr分支 2622 else if (IsA(jtnode, JoinExpr)) (gdb) 2624 JoinExpr *j = (JoinExpr *) jtnode; ... (gdb) p *right_state->relids[0]->words $44 = 4 -->2号RTE (gdb) p *left_state->relids[0]->words $45 = 2 -->1号RTE (gdb) p rtindex $46 = 3 -->Jointree整体作为3号RTE存在 ... 2633 switch (jointype) (gdb) 2638 if (bms_overlap(nonnullable_rels, right_state->relids)) (gdb) p *nonnullable_rels->words $49 = 4 -->2号RTE (gdb) p right_state->relids->words[0] $50 = 4 -->2号RTE ##转换为内连接 (gdb) n 2639 jointype = JOIN_INNER; ... ##修改RTE的连接类型 (gdb) 2724 if (rtindex && jointype != j->jointype) (gdb) 2726 RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(rtindex, root->parse->rtable); (gdb) 2730 rte->jointype = jointype; (gdb) p *rte $54 = {type = T_RangeTblEntry, rtekind = RTE_JOIN, relid = 0, relkind = 0 '\000', tablesample = 0x0, subquery = 0x0, security_barrier = false, jointype = JOIN_LEFT, joinaliasvars = 0x0, functions = 0x0, funcordinality = false, tablefunc = 0x0, values_lists = 0x0, ctename = 0x0, ctelevelsup = 0, self_reference = false, coltypes = 0x0, coltypmods = 0x0, colcollations = 0x0, enrname = 0x0, enrtuples = 0, alias = 0x0, eref = 0x2ea4498, lateral = false, inh = false, inFromCl = true, requiredPerms = 2, checkAsUser = 0, selectedCols = 0x0, insertedCols = 0x0, updatedCols = 0x0, securityQuals = 0x0} (gdb) n 2732 j->jointype = jointype; ... #回到上层的reduce_outer_joins_pass2 (gdb) reduce_outer_joins_pass2 (jtnode=0x2ea4af8, state=0x2edcb18, root=0x2eafa98, nonnullable_rels=0x0, nonnullable_vars=0x0, forced_null_vars=0x0) at prepjointree.c:2609 2609 forboth(l, f->fromlist, s, state->sub_states) #回到主函数reduce_outer_joins 2844 } (gdb) reduce_outer_joins (root=0x2eafa98) at prepjointree.c:2492 2492 } (gdb) #DONE!
select * from t_null1 a left join t_null2 b on a.c1 = b.c1 where b.c1 is null;
(gdb) b prepjointree.c:2702 Breakpoint 3 at 0x78023c: file prepjointree.c, line 2702. (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 3, reduce_outer_joins_pass2 (jtnode=0x2dd40f0, state=0x2edc9b8, root=0x2eafa98, nonnullable_rels=0x0, nonnullable_vars=0x0, forced_null_vars=0x2edcb70) at prepjointree.c:2703 2703 if (jointype == JOIN_LEFT) #尝试转换为内连接,但不成功,仍为左连接 2707 local_nonnullable_vars = find_nonnullable_vars(j->quals); (gdb) 2708 computed_local_nonnullable_vars = true; (gdb) p *local_nonnullable_vars $56 = {type = T_List, length = 2, head = 0x2edcba0, tail = 0x2edcbf0} (gdb) p *(Var *)local_nonnullable_vars->head->data.ptr_value $57 = {xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 1, varattno = 1, vartype = 23, vartypmod = -1, varcollid = 0, varlevelsup = 0, varnoold = 1, varoattno = 1, location = 47} (gdb) p *(Var *)local_nonnullable_vars->head->next->data.ptr_value $58 = {xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 2, varattno = 1, vartype = 23, vartypmod = -1, varcollid = 0, varlevelsup = 0, varnoold = 2, varoattno = 1, location = 54} (gdb) p *(Var *)forced_null_vars->head->data.ptr_value $61 = {xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 2, varattno = 1, vartype = 23, vartypmod = -1, varcollid = 0, varlevelsup = 0, varnoold = 2, varoattno = 1, location = 65} (gdb) p *(Var *)overlap->head->data.ptr_value $63 = {xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 2, varattno = 1, vartype = 23, vartypmod = -1, varcollid = 0, varlevelsup = 0, varnoold = 2, varoattno = 1, location = 54} ... #转换为反连接 2717 if (overlap != NIL && (gdb) 2720 jointype = JOIN_ANTI; (gdb) c Continuing.