



      * Examine the targetlist and join tree, adding entries to baserel
      * targetlists for all referenced Vars, and generating PlaceHolderInfo
      * entries for all referenced PlaceHolderVars.  Restrict and join clauses
      * are added to appropriate lists belonging to the mentioned relations. We
      * also build EquivalenceClasses for provably equivalent expressions. The
      * SpecialJoinInfo list is also built to hold information about join order
      * restrictions.  Finally, we form a target joinlist for make_one_rel() to
      * work from.
     build_base_rel_tlists(root, tlist);//构建"base rels"的投影列
     joinlist = deconstruct_jointree(root);//分解jointree

      * Reconsider any postponed outer-join quals now that we have built up
      * equivalence classes.  (This could result in further additions or
      * mergings of classes.)
      * If we formed any equivalence classes, generate additional restriction
      * clauses as appropriate.  (Implied join clauses are formed on-the-fly
      * later.)



 typedef struct RelOptInfo
     NodeTag     type;//节点标识
     RelOptKind  reloptkind;//RelOpt类型
     /* all relations included in this RelOptInfo */
     Relids      relids;         /*Relids(rtindex)集合 set of base relids (rangetable indexes) */
     /* size estimates generated by planner */
     double      rows;           /*结果元组的估算数量 estimated number of result tuples */
     /* per-relation planner control flags */
     bool        consider_startup;   /*是否考虑启动成本?是,需要保留启动成本低的路径 keep cheap-startup-cost paths? */
     bool        consider_param_startup; /*是否考虑参数化?的路径 ditto, for parameterized paths? */
     bool        consider_parallel;  /*是否考虑并行处理路径 consider parallel paths? */
     /* default result targetlist for Paths scanning this relation */
     struct PathTarget *reltarget;   /*扫描该Relation时默认的结果 list of Vars/Exprs, cost, width */
     /* materialization information */
     List       *pathlist;       /*访问路径链表 Path structures */
     List       *ppilist;        /*路径链表中使用参数化路径进行 ParamPathInfos used in pathlist */
     List       *partial_pathlist;   /* partial Paths */
     struct Path *cheapest_startup_path;//代价最低的启动路径
     struct Path *cheapest_total_path;//代价最低的整体路径
     struct Path *cheapest_unique_path;//代价最低的获取唯一值的路径
     List       *cheapest_parameterized_paths;//代价最低的参数化?路径链表
     /* parameterization information needed for both base rels and join rels */
     /* (see also lateral_vars and lateral_referencers) */
     Relids      direct_lateral_relids;  /*使用lateral语法,需依赖的Relids rels directly laterally referenced */
     Relids      lateral_relids; /* minimum parameterization of rel */
     /* information about a base rel (not set for join rels!) */
     Index       relid;          /* Relation ID */
     Oid         reltablespace;  /* 表空间 containing tablespace */
     RTEKind     rtekind;        /* 基表?子查询?还是函数等等?RELATION, SUBQUERY, FUNCTION, etc */
     AttrNumber  min_attr;       /* 最小的属性编号 smallest attrno of rel (often <0) */
     AttrNumber  max_attr;       /* 最大的属性编号 largest attrno of rel */
     Relids     *attr_needed;    /* 数组 array indexed [min_attr .. max_attr] */
     int32      *attr_widths;    /* 属性宽度 array indexed [min_attr .. max_attr] */
     List       *lateral_vars;   /* 关系依赖的Vars/PHVs LATERAL Vars and PHVs referenced by rel */
     Relids      lateral_referencers;    /*依赖该关系的Relids rels that reference me laterally */
     List       *indexlist;      /* 该关系的IndexOptInfo链表 list of IndexOptInfo */
     List       *statlist;       /* 统计信息链表 list of StatisticExtInfo */
     BlockNumber pages;          /* 块数 size estimates derived from pg_class */
     double      tuples;         /* 元组数 */
     double      allvisfrac;     /* ? */
     PlannerInfo *subroot;       /* 如为子查询,存储子查询的root if subquery */
     List       *subplan_params; /* 如为子查询,存储子查询的参数 if subquery */
     int         rel_parallel_workers;   /* 并行执行,需要多少个workers? wanted number of parallel workers */
     /* Information about foreign tables and foreign joins */
     Oid         serverid;       /* identifies server for the table or join */
     Oid         userid;         /* identifies user to check access as */
     bool        useridiscurrent;    /* join is only valid for current user */
     /* use "struct FdwRoutine" to avoid including fdwapi.h here */
     struct FdwRoutine *fdwroutine;
     void       *fdw_private;
     /* cache space for remembering if we have proven this relation unique */
     List       *unique_for_rels;    /* known unique for these other relid
                                      * set(s) */
     List       *non_unique_for_rels;    /* 已知的,不唯一的Relids链表 known not unique for these set(s) */
     /* used by various scans and joins: */
     List       *baserestrictinfo;   /* 如为基本关系,存储约束条件 RestrictInfo structures (if base rel) */
     QualCost    baserestrictcost;   /* 解析约束表达式的成本? cost of evaluating the above */
     Index       baserestrict_min_security;  /* 最低安全等级 min security_level found in
                                              * baserestrictinfo */
     List       *joininfo;       /* 连接语句的约束条件信息 RestrictInfo structures for join clauses
                                  * involving this rel */
     bool        has_eclass_joins;   /* 是否存在等价类连接? T means joininfo is incomplete */
     /* used by partitionwise joins: */
     bool        consider_partitionwise_join;    /* 分区? consider partitionwise
                                                  * join paths? (if
                                                  * partitioned rel) */
     Relids      top_parent_relids;  /* Relids of topmost parents (if "other"
                                      * rel) */
     /* used for partitioned relations */
     PartitionScheme part_scheme;    /* 分区的schema Partitioning scheme. */
     int         nparts;         /* 分区数 number of partitions */
     struct PartitionBoundInfoData *boundinfo;   /* 分区边界信息 Partition bounds */
     List       *partition_qual; /* 分区约束 partition constraint */
     struct RelOptInfo **part_rels;  /* 分区的RelOptInfo数组 Array of RelOptInfos of partitions,
                                      * stored in the same order of bounds */
     List      **partexprs;      /* 非空分区键表达式 Non-nullable partition key expressions. */
     List      **nullable_partexprs; /* 可为空的分区键表达式 Nullable partition key expressions. */
     List       *partitioned_child_rels; /* RT Indexes链表 List of RT indexes. */
 } RelOptInfo;


 /* Elements of the postponed_qual_list used during deconstruct_recurse */
 typedef struct PostponedQual
     Node       *qual;           /* 待处理的表达式,a qual clause waiting to be processed */
     Relids      relids;         /* 该表达式依赖的baserel 集合,the set of baserels it references */
 } PostponedQual;



****************************************** deconstruct_jointree *********************
把它们加入到相应的base RelOptInfos的约束条件和连接条件链表中

  * deconstruct_jointree
  *    Recursively scan the query's join tree for WHERE and JOIN/ON qual
  *    clauses, and add these to the appropriate restrictinfo and joininfo
  *    lists belonging to base RelOptInfos.  Also, add SpecialJoinInfo nodes
  *    to root->join_info_list for any outer joins appearing in the query tree.
  *    Return a "joinlist" data structure showing the join order decisions
  *    that need to be made by make_one_rel().
  * The "joinlist" result is a list of items that are either RangeTblRef
  * jointree nodes or sub-joinlists.  All the items at the same level of
  * joinlist must be joined in an order to be determined by make_one_rel()
  * (note that legal orders may be constrained by SpecialJoinInfo nodes).
  * A sub-joinlist represents a subproblem to be planned separately. Currently
  * sub-joinlists arise only from FULL OUTER JOIN or when collapsing of
  * subproblems is stopped by join_collapse_limit or from_collapse_limit.
  * NOTE: when dealing with inner joins, it is appropriate to let a qual clause
  * be evaluated at the lowest level where all the variables it mentions are
  * available.  However, we cannot push a qual down into the nullable side(s)
  * of an outer join since the qual might eliminate matching rows and cause a
  * NULL row to be incorrectly emitted by the join.  Therefore, we artificially
  * OR the minimum-relids of such an outer join into the required_relids of
  * clauses appearing above it.  This forces those clauses to be delayed until
  * application of the outer join (or maybe even higher in the join tree).
 List *
 deconstruct_jointree(PlannerInfo *root)
     List       *result;
     Relids      qualscope;
     Relids      inner_join_rels;
     List       *postponed_qual_list = NIL;
     /* Start recursion at top of jointree */
     Assert(root->parse->jointree != NULL &&
            IsA(root->parse->jointree, FromExpr));
     /* this is filled as we scan the jointree */
     root->nullable_baserels = NULL;
     result = deconstruct_recurse(root, (Node *) root->parse->jointree, false,
                                  &qualscope, &inner_join_rels,
     /* Shouldn't be any leftover quals */
     Assert(postponed_qual_list == NIL);
     return result;
  * deconstruct_recurse
  *    One recursion level of deconstruct_jointree processing.
  * Inputs:输入
  *  jtnode is the jointree node to examine
  *      待处理的jointree
  *  below_outer_join is true if this node is within the nullable side of a
  *      higher-level outer join,在高层外连接的nullable端
  * Outputs:输出
  *  *qualscope gets the set of base Relids syntactically included in this
  *      jointree node (do not modify or free this, as it may also be pointed
  *      to by RestrictInfo and SpecialJoinInfo nodes)
  *    jointree节点中base Relids的集合
  *  *inner_join_rels gets the set of base Relids syntactically included in
  *      inner joins appearing at or below this jointree node (do not modify
  *      or free this, either)
  *      内连接jointree节点或该节点中的base Relids集合 
  *  *postponed_qual_list is a list of PostponedQual structs, which we can
  *      add quals to if they turn out to belong to a higher join level
  *      PostponedQual结构体链表,如果表达式属于更高层次的连接,可以在其中添加此表达式
  *  Return value is the appropriate joinlist for this jointree node
  *      返回值为该jointree节点相应的joinlist
  * In addition, entries will be added to root->join_info_list for outer joins.
 static List *
 deconstruct_recurse(PlannerInfo *root, Node *jtnode, bool below_outer_join,
                     Relids *qualscope, Relids *inner_join_rels,
                     List **postponed_qual_list)
     List       *joinlist;
     if (jtnode == NULL)
         *qualscope = NULL;
         *inner_join_rels = NULL;
         return NIL;
     if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef))//RTR
         int         varno = ((RangeTblRef *) jtnode)->rtindex;
         /* qualscope is just the one RTE */
         *qualscope = bms_make_singleton(varno);//添加到qualscope中
         /* Deal with any securityQuals attached to the RTE */
         if (root->qual_security_level > 0)
         /* A single baserel does not create an inner join */
         *inner_join_rels = NULL;//inner_join_rels设置为NULL
         joinlist = list_make1(jtnode);//添加到joinlist中
     else if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr))//FromExpr
         FromExpr   *f = (FromExpr *) jtnode;
         List       *child_postponed_quals = NIL;
         int         remaining;
         ListCell   *l;
          * First, recurse to handle child joins.  We collapse subproblems into
          * a single joinlist whenever the resulting joinlist wouldn't exceed
          * from_collapse_limit members.  Also, always collapse one-element
          * subproblems, since that won't lengthen the joinlist anyway.
         *qualscope = NULL;
         *inner_join_rels = NULL;//初始化
         joinlist = NIL;//初始化
         remaining = list_length(f->fromlist);
         foreach(l, f->fromlist)
             Relids      sub_qualscope;
             List       *sub_joinlist;
             int         sub_members;
             sub_joinlist = deconstruct_recurse(root, lfirst(l),
             *qualscope = bms_add_members(*qualscope, sub_qualscope);//添加到qualscope中
             sub_members = list_length(sub_joinlist);//sub-joinlist中的元素个数
             if (sub_members <= 1 ||
                 list_length(joinlist) + sub_members + remaining <= from_collapse_limit)
                 joinlist = list_concat(joinlist, sub_joinlist);//
                 joinlist = lappend(joinlist, sub_joinlist);//
          * A FROM with more than one list element is an inner join subsuming
          * all below it, so we should report inner_join_rels = qualscope. If
          * there was exactly one element, we should (and already did) report
          * whatever its inner_join_rels were.  If there were no elements (is
          * that possible?) the initialization before the loop fixed it.
         if (list_length(f->fromlist) > 1)
             *inner_join_rels = *qualscope;//JOIN
          * Try to process any quals postponed by children.  If they need
          * further postponement, add them to my output postponed_qual_list.
         foreach(l, child_postponed_quals)
             PostponedQual *pq = (PostponedQual *) lfirst(l);
             if (bms_is_subset(pq->relids, *qualscope))//pq依赖的relids是qualscope的子集
                 distribute_qual_to_rels(root, pq->qual,
                                         false, below_outer_join, JOIN_INNER,
                                         *qualscope, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                 *postponed_qual_list = lappend(*postponed_qual_list, pq);//添加到postponed_qual_list链表
          * Now process the top-level quals.
         foreach(l, (List *) f->quals)//处理表达式
             Node       *qual = (Node *) lfirst(l);
             distribute_qual_to_rels(root, qual,
                                     false, below_outer_join, JOIN_INNER,
                                     *qualscope, NULL, NULL, NULL,
     else if (IsA(jtnode, JoinExpr))//JoinExpr
         JoinExpr   *j = (JoinExpr *) jtnode;
         List       *child_postponed_quals = NIL;
         Relids      leftids,
         List       *leftjoinlist,
         List       *my_quals;
         SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo;//特殊连接信息
         ListCell   *l;
          * Order of operations here is subtle and critical.  First we recurse
          * to handle sub-JOINs.  Their join quals will be placed without
          * regard for whether this level is an outer join, which is correct.
          * Then we place our own join quals, which are restricted by lower
          * outer joins in any case, and are forced to this level if this is an
          * outer join and they mention the outer side.  Finally, if this is an
          * outer join, we create a join_info_list entry for the join.  This
          * will prevent quals above us in the join tree that use those rels
          * from being pushed down below this level.  (It's okay for upper
          * quals to be pushed down to the outer side, however.)
         switch (j->jointype)
             case JOIN_INNER://内连接
                 leftjoinlist = deconstruct_recurse(root, j->larg,
                                                    &leftids, &left_inners,
                 rightjoinlist = deconstruct_recurse(root, j->rarg,
                                                     &rightids, &right_inners,
                 *qualscope = bms_union(leftids, rightids);
                 *inner_join_rels = *qualscope;
                 /* Inner join adds no restrictions for quals */
                 nonnullable_rels = NULL;
                 /* and it doesn't force anything to null, either */
                 nullable_rels = NULL;
             case JOIN_LEFT:
             case JOIN_ANTI://左连接或者反连接
                 leftjoinlist = deconstruct_recurse(root, j->larg,
                                                    &leftids, &left_inners,
                 rightjoinlist = deconstruct_recurse(root, j->rarg,
                                                     &rightids, &right_inners,
                 *qualscope = bms_union(leftids, rightids);
                 *inner_join_rels = bms_union(left_inners, right_inners);
                 nonnullable_rels = leftids;
                 nullable_rels = rightids;
             case JOIN_SEMI://半连接
                 leftjoinlist = deconstruct_recurse(root, j->larg,
                                                    &leftids, &left_inners,
                 rightjoinlist = deconstruct_recurse(root, j->rarg,
                                                     &rightids, &right_inners,
                 *qualscope = bms_union(leftids, rightids);
                 *inner_join_rels = bms_union(left_inners, right_inners);
                 /* Semi join adds no restrictions for quals */
                 nonnullable_rels = NULL;
                  * Theoretically, a semijoin would null the RHS; but since the
                  * RHS can't be accessed above the join, this is immaterial
                  * and we needn't account for it.
                 nullable_rels = NULL;
             case JOIN_FULL://全连接
                 leftjoinlist = deconstruct_recurse(root, j->larg,
                                                    &leftids, &left_inners,
                 rightjoinlist = deconstruct_recurse(root, j->rarg,
                                                     &rightids, &right_inners,
                 *qualscope = bms_union(leftids, rightids);
                 *inner_join_rels = bms_union(left_inners, right_inners);
                 /* each side is both outer and inner */
                 nonnullable_rels = *qualscope;
                 nullable_rels = *qualscope;
                 /* JOIN_RIGHT was eliminated during reduce_outer_joins() */
                 elog(ERROR, "unrecognized join type: %d",
                      (int) j->jointype);
                 nonnullable_rels = NULL;    /* keep compiler quiet */
                 nullable_rels = NULL;
                 leftjoinlist = rightjoinlist = NIL;
         /* Report all rels that will be nulled anywhere in the jointree */
         root->nullable_baserels = bms_add_members(root->nullable_baserels,
                                                   nullable_rels);//nullable-side rels
          * Try to process any quals postponed by children.  If they need
          * further postponement, add them to my output postponed_qual_list.
          * Quals that can be processed now must be included in my_quals, so
          * that they'll be handled properly in make_outerjoininfo.
         my_quals = NIL;//添加到表达式链表中
         foreach(l, child_postponed_quals)
             PostponedQual *pq = (PostponedQual *) lfirst(l);
             if (bms_is_subset(pq->relids, *qualscope))
                 my_quals = lappend(my_quals, pq->qual);
                  * We should not be postponing any quals past an outer join.
                  * If this Assert fires, pull_up_subqueries() messed up.
                 Assert(j->jointype == JOIN_INNER);
                 *postponed_qual_list = lappend(*postponed_qual_list, pq);
         /* list_concat is nondestructive of its second argument */
         my_quals = list_concat(my_quals, (List *) j->quals);
          * For an OJ, form the SpecialJoinInfo now, because we need the OJ's
          * semantic scope (ojscope) to pass to distribute_qual_to_rels.  But
          * we mustn't add it to join_info_list just yet, because we don't want
          * distribute_qual_to_rels to think it is an outer join below us.
          * Semijoins are a bit of a hybrid: we build a SpecialJoinInfo, but we
          * want ojscope = NULL for distribute_qual_to_rels.
         if (j->jointype != JOIN_INNER)//非内连接
             sjinfo = make_outerjoininfo(root,
                                         leftids, rightids,
             if (j->jointype == JOIN_SEMI)
                 ojscope = NULL;//半连接
                 ojscope = bms_union(sjinfo->min_lefthand,
             sjinfo = NULL;//内连接,设置为NULL
             ojscope = NULL;
         /* Process the JOIN's qual clauses */
         foreach(l, my_quals)//处理JOIN中的qual表达式
             Node       *qual = (Node *) lfirst(l);
             distribute_qual_to_rels(root, qual,
                                     false, below_outer_join, j->jointype,
                                     ojscope, nonnullable_rels, NULL,
         /* Now we can add the SpecialJoinInfo to join_info_list */
         if (sjinfo)//特殊连接信息
             root->join_info_list = lappend(root->join_info_list, sjinfo);
             /* Each time we do that, recheck placeholder eval levels */
             update_placeholder_eval_levels(root, sjinfo);
          * Finally, compute the output joinlist.  We fold subproblems together
          * except at a FULL JOIN or where join_collapse_limit would be
          * exceeded.
         if (j->jointype == JOIN_FULL)
             /* force the join order exactly at this node */
             joinlist = list_make1(list_make2(leftjoinlist, rightjoinlist));
         else if (list_length(leftjoinlist) + list_length(rightjoinlist) <=
             /* OK to combine subproblems */
             joinlist = list_concat(leftjoinlist, rightjoinlist);
             /* can't combine, but needn't force join order above here */
             Node       *leftpart,
             /* avoid creating useless 1-element sublists */
             if (list_length(leftjoinlist) == 1)
                 leftpart = (Node *) linitial(leftjoinlist);
                 leftpart = (Node *) leftjoinlist;
             if (list_length(rightjoinlist) == 1)
                 rightpart = (Node *) linitial(rightjoinlist);
                 rightpart = (Node *) rightjoinlist;
             joinlist = list_make2(leftpart, rightpart);
         elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d",
              (int) nodeTag(jtnode));
         joinlist = NIL;         /* keep compiler quiet */
     return joinlist;

  * distribute_qual_to_rels
  *    Add clause information to either the baserestrictinfo or joininfo list
  *    (depending on whether the clause is a join) of each base relation
  *    mentioned in the clause.  A RestrictInfo node is created and added to
  *    the appropriate list for each rel.  Alternatively, if the clause uses a
  *    mergejoinable operator and is not delayed by outer-join rules, enter
  *    the left- and right-side expressions into the query's list of
  *    EquivalenceClasses.  Alternatively, if the clause needs to be treated
  *    as belonging to a higher join level, just add it to postponed_qual_list.
  *    为每个base relation的base relsbaserestrictinfo或者joininfo链表(取决于子句是否是连接)中添加相关子句信息;
  *    RestrictInfo节点创建并添加到每个合适的Rel中;或者如果子句为可合并操作符并且没有被外连接所Delayed,则
  *    把左右两侧的表达式放到查询的等价类链表中;
  *    或者,如果该子句属于更高的连接级别,只需将其添加到postponed_qual_list中
  * 'clause': the qual clause to be distributed,待分配的表达式子句
  * 'is_deduced': true if the qual came from implied-equality deduction,如果表达式来自于隐含等式推导,则为true
  * 'below_outer_join': true if the qual is from a JOIN/ON that is below the
  *      nullable side of a higher-level outer join 来自高层外连接的nullable端的JOIN/ON条件,则为true
  * 'jointype': type of join the qual is from (JOIN_INNER for a WHERE clause),qual来自何种连接类型
  * 'security_level': security_level to assign to the qual,安全等级
  * 'qualscope': set of baserels the qual's syntactic scope covers,表达式的base rels范围
  * 'ojscope': NULL if not an outer-join qual, else the minimum set of baserels
  *      needed to form this join,非外连接->NULL,否则为组成该join的最小baserels集合
  * 'outerjoin_nonnullable': NULL if not an outer-join qual, else the set of
  *      baserels appearing on the outer (nonnullable) side of the join
  *      (for FULL JOIN this includes both sides of the join, and must in fact
  *      equal qualscope),非外连接->NULL,否则为出现在nonnullable端的base rels集合
  * 'deduced_nullable_relids': if is_deduced is true, the nullable relids to
  *      impute to the clause; otherwise NULL,推导出来的nullable端的relids,否则为NULL
  * 'postponed_qual_list': list of PostponedQual structs, which we can add
  *      this qual to if it turns out to belong to a higher join level.PostponedQual结构体链表
  *      Can be NULL if caller knows postponement is impossible.
  * 'qualscope' identifies what level of JOIN the qual came from syntactically.
  *    定义了在语法上表达式来自于哪个层次的JOIN
  * 'ojscope' is needed if we decide to force the qual up to the outer-join
  * level, which will be ojscope not necessarily qualscope.
  *     在我们强制把表达式上推至外连接时所需要的信息
  * In normal use (when is_deduced is false), at the time this is called,
  * root->join_info_list must contain entries for all and only those special
  * joins that are syntactically below this qual.  But when is_deduced is true,
  * we are adding new deduced clauses after completion of deconstruct_jointree,
  * so it cannot be assumed that root->join_info_list has anything to do with
  * qual placement.
 static void
 distribute_qual_to_rels(PlannerInfo *root, Node *clause,
                         bool is_deduced,
                         bool below_outer_join,
                         JoinType jointype,
                         Index security_level,
                         Relids qualscope,
                         Relids ojscope,
                         Relids outerjoin_nonnullable,
                         Relids deduced_nullable_relids,
                         List **postponed_qual_list)
     Relids      relids;
     bool        is_pushed_down;
     bool        outerjoin_delayed;
     bool        pseudoconstant = false;
     bool        maybe_equivalence;
     bool        maybe_outer_join;
     Relids      nullable_relids;
     RestrictInfo *restrictinfo;
      * Retrieve all relids mentioned within the clause.
     relids = pull_varnos(clause);//遍历,获取该节点中的所有relids
      * In ordinary SQL, a WHERE or JOIN/ON clause can't reference any rels
      * that aren't within its syntactic scope; however, if we pulled up a
      * LATERAL subquery then we might find such references in quals that have
      * been pulled up.  We need to treat such quals as belonging to the join
      * level that includes every rel they reference.  Although we could make
      * pull_up_subqueries() place such quals correctly to begin with, it's
      * easier to handle it here.  When we find a clause that contains Vars
      * outside its syntactic scope, we add it to the postponed-quals list, and
      * process it once we've recursed back up to the appropriate join level.
     if (!bms_is_subset(relids, qualscope))//不是qualscope的子集
         PostponedQual *pq = (PostponedQual *) palloc(sizeof(PostponedQual));
         Assert(root->hasLateralRTEs);   /* shouldn't happen otherwise */
         Assert(jointype == JOIN_INNER); /* mustn't postpone past outer join */
         Assert(!is_deduced);    /* shouldn't be deduced, either */
         pq->qual = clause;
         pq->relids = relids;
         *postponed_qual_list = lappend(*postponed_qual_list, pq);//添加到postponed_qual_list中,返回
      * If it's an outer-join clause, also check that relids is a subset of
      * ojscope.  (This should not fail if the syntactic scope check passed.)
     if (ojscope && !bms_is_subset(relids, ojscope))
         elog(ERROR, "JOIN qualification cannot refer to other relations");
      * If the clause is variable-free, our normal heuristic for pushing it
      * down to just the mentioned rels doesn't work, because there are none.
      * If the clause is an outer-join clause, we must force it to the OJ's
      * semantic level to preserve semantics.
      * Otherwise, when the clause contains volatile functions, we force it to
      * be evaluated at its original syntactic level.  This preserves the
      * expected semantics.
      * When the clause contains no volatile functions either, it is actually a
      * pseudoconstant clause that will not change value during any one
      * execution of the plan, and hence can be used as a one-time qual in a
      * gating Result plan node.  We put such a clause into the regular
      * RestrictInfo lists for the moment, but eventually createplan.c will
      * pull it out and make a gating Result node immediately above whatever
      * plan node the pseudoconstant clause is assigned to.  It's usually best
      * to put a gating node as high in the plan tree as possible. If we are
      * not below an outer join, we can actually push the pseudoconstant qual
      * all the way to the top of the tree.  If we are below an outer join, we
      * leave the qual at its original syntactic level (we could push it up to
      * just below the outer join, but that seems more complex than it's
      * worth).
     if (bms_is_empty(relids))//空的relids
         if (ojscope)//外连接
             /* clause is attached to outer join, eval it there */
             relids = bms_copy(ojscope);
             /* mustn't use as gating qual, so don't mark pseudoconstant */
             /* eval at original syntactic level */
             relids = bms_copy(qualscope);
             if (!contain_volatile_functions(clause))//不存在易变函数
                 /* mark as gating qual */
                 pseudoconstant = true;
                 /* tell createplan.c to check for gating quals */
                 root->hasPseudoConstantQuals = true;
                 /* if not below outer join, push it to top of tree */
                 if (!below_outer_join)
                     relids =
                         get_relids_in_jointree((Node *) root->parse->jointree,
                     qualscope = bms_copy(relids);
      * Check to see if clause application must be delayed by outer-join
      * considerations.
      * A word about is_pushed_down: we mark the qual as "pushed down" if
      * it is (potentially) applicable at a level different from its original
      * syntactic level.  This flag is used to distinguish OUTER JOIN ON quals
      * from other quals pushed down to the same joinrel.  The rules are:
      *      WHERE quals and INNER JOIN quals: is_pushed_down = true.
      *      Non-degenerate OUTER JOIN quals: is_pushed_down = false.
      *      Degenerate OUTER JOIN quals: is_pushed_down = true.
      * A "degenerate" OUTER JOIN qual is one that doesn't mention the
      * non-nullable side, and hence can be pushed down into the nullable side
      * without changing the join result.  It is correct to treat it as a
      * regular filter condition at the level where it is evaluated.
      * Note: it is not immediately obvious that a simple boolean is enough
      * for this: if for some reason we were to attach a degenerate qual to
      * its original join level, it would need to be treated as an outer join
      * qual there.  However, this cannot happen, because all the rels the
      * clause mentions must be in the outer join's min_righthand, therefore
      * the join it needs must be formed before the outer join; and we always
      * attach quals to the lowest level where they can be evaluated.  But
      * if we were ever to re-introduce a mechanism for delaying evaluation
      * of "expensive" quals, this area would need work.
      * Note: generally, use of is_pushed_down has to go through the macro
      * RINFO_IS_PUSHED_DOWN, because that flag alone is not always sufficient
      * to tell whether a clause must be treated as pushed-down in context.
      * This seems like another reason why it should perhaps be rethought.
     if (is_deduced)//推导出来?
          * If the qual came from implied-equality deduction, it should not be
          * outerjoin-delayed, else deducer blew it.  But we can't check this
          * because the join_info_list may now contain OJs above where the qual
          * belongs.  For the same reason, we must rely on caller to supply the
          * correct nullable_relids set.
         is_pushed_down = true;//可以被下推
         outerjoin_delayed = false;//无需外连接延迟
         nullable_relids = deduced_nullable_relids;//nullable端的relids
         /* Don't feed it back for more deductions */
         maybe_equivalence = false;//不需要反馈更多的推导
         maybe_outer_join = false;
     else if (bms_overlap(relids, outerjoin_nonnullable))//与外连接nonnullable端有交集
          * The qual is attached to an outer join and mentions (some of the)
          * rels on the nonnullable side, so it's not degenerate.
          * We can't use such a clause to deduce equivalence (the left and
          * right sides might be unequal above the join because one of them has
          * gone to NULL) ... but we might be able to use it for more limited
          * deductions, if it is mergejoinable.  So consider adding it to the
          * lists of set-aside outer-join clauses.
         is_pushed_down = false;//不能被下推
         maybe_equivalence = false;
         maybe_outer_join = true;//可能是外连接
         /* Check to see if must be delayed by lower outer join */
         outerjoin_delayed = check_outerjoin_delay(root,
          * Now force the qual to be evaluated exactly at the level of joining
          * corresponding to the outer join.  We cannot let it get pushed down
          * into the nonnullable side, since then we'd produce no output rows,
          * rather than the intended single null-extended row, for any
          * nonnullable-side rows failing the qual.
          * (Do this step after calling check_outerjoin_delay, because that
          * trashes relids.)
         relids = ojscope;
          * Normal qual clause or degenerate outer-join clause.  Either way, we
          * can mark it as pushed-down.
         is_pushed_down = true;//可以下推
         /* Check to see if must be delayed by lower outer join */
         outerjoin_delayed = check_outerjoin_delay(root,
         if (outerjoin_delayed)//需延迟
             /* Should still be a subset of current scope ... */
             Assert(root->hasLateralRTEs || bms_is_subset(relids, qualscope));
             Assert(ojscope == NULL || bms_is_subset(relids, ojscope));
              * Because application of the qual will be delayed by outer join,
              * we mustn't assume its vars are equal everywhere.
             maybe_equivalence = false;
              * It's possible that this is an IS NULL clause that's redundant
              * with a lower antijoin; if so we can just discard it.  We need
              * not test in any of the other cases, because this will only be
              * possible for pushed-down, delayed clauses.
             if (check_redundant_nullability_qual(root, clause))
              * Qual is not delayed by any lower outer-join restriction, so we
              * can consider feeding it to the equivalence machinery. However,
              * if it's itself within an outer-join clause, treat it as though
              * it appeared below that outer join (note that we can only get
              * here when the clause references only nullable-side rels).
             maybe_equivalence = true;//可能会出现等价类
             if (outerjoin_nonnullable != NULL)
                 below_outer_join = true;
          * Since it doesn't mention the LHS, it's certainly not useful as a
          * set-aside OJ clause, even if it's in an OJ.
         maybe_outer_join = false;//不会是外连接
      * Build the RestrictInfo node itself.
     restrictinfo = make_restrictinfo((Expr *) clause,
      * If it's a join clause (either naturally, or because delayed by
      * outer-join rules), add vars used in the clause to targetlists of their
      * relations, so that they will be emitted by the plan nodes that scan
      * those relations (else they won't be available at the join node!).
      * Note: if the clause gets absorbed into an EquivalenceClass then this
      * may be unnecessary, but for now we have to do it to cover the case
      * where the EC becomes ec_broken and we end up reinserting the original
      * clauses into the plan.
     if (bms_membership(relids) == BMS_MULTIPLE)//存在多个relids
         List       *vars = pull_var_clause(clause,
                                            PVC_RECURSE_AGGREGATES |
                                            PVC_RECURSE_WINDOWFUNCS |
         add_vars_to_targetlist(root, vars, relids, false);//添加到相应的投影列中
      * We check "mergejoinability" of every clause, not only join clauses,
      * because we want to know about equivalences between vars of the same
      * relation, or between vars and consts.
      * If it is a true equivalence clause, send it to the EquivalenceClass
      * machinery.  We do *not* attach it directly to any restriction or join
      * lists.  The EC code will propagate it to the appropriate places later.
      * If the clause has a mergejoinable operator and is not
      * outerjoin-delayed, yet isn't an equivalence because it is an outer-join
      * clause, the EC code may yet be able to do something with it.  We add it
      * to appropriate lists for further consideration later.  Specifically:
      * If it is a left or right outer-join qualification that relates the two
      * sides of the outer join (no funny business like leftvar1 = leftvar2 +
      * rightvar), we add it to root->left_join_clauses or
      * root->right_join_clauses according to which side the nonnullable
      * variable appears on.
      * If it is a full outer-join qualification, we add it to
      * root->full_join_clauses.  (Ideally we'd discard cases that aren't
      * leftvar = rightvar, as we do for left/right joins, but this routine
      * doesn't have the info needed to do that; and the current usage of the
      * full_join_clauses list doesn't require that, so it's not currently
      * worth complicating this routine's API to make it possible.)
      * If none of the above hold, pass it off to
      * distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels().
      * In all cases, it's important to initialize the left_ec and right_ec
      * fields of a mergejoinable clause, so that all possibly mergejoinable
      * expressions have representations in EquivalenceClasses.  If
      * process_equivalence is successful, it will take care of that;
      * otherwise, we have to call initialize_mergeclause_eclasses to do it.
     if (restrictinfo->mergeopfamilies)//可以
         if (maybe_equivalence)//存在合并的可能
             if (check_equivalence_delay(root, restrictinfo) &&
                 process_equivalence(root, &restrictinfo, below_outer_join))
             /* EC rejected it, so set left_ec/right_ec the hard way ... */
             if (restrictinfo->mergeopfamilies)  /* EC might have changed this */
                 initialize_mergeclause_eclasses(root, restrictinfo);
             /* ... and fall through to distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels */
         else if (maybe_outer_join && restrictinfo->can_join)//可能是外连接而且约束条件can_join?
             /* we need to set up left_ec/right_ec the hard way */
             initialize_mergeclause_eclasses(root, restrictinfo);
             /* now see if it should go to any outer-join lists */
             if (bms_is_subset(restrictinfo->left_relids,
                               outerjoin_nonnullable) &&
                 /* we have outervar = innervar */
                 root->left_join_clauses = lappend(root->left_join_clauses,
             if (bms_is_subset(restrictinfo->right_relids,
                               outerjoin_nonnullable) &&
                 /* we have innervar = outervar */
                 root->right_join_clauses = lappend(root->right_join_clauses,
             if (jointype == JOIN_FULL)
                 /* FULL JOIN (above tests cannot match in this case) */
                 root->full_join_clauses = lappend(root->full_join_clauses,
             /* nope, so fall through to distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels */
             /* we still need to set up left_ec/right_ec */
             initialize_mergeclause_eclasses(root, restrictinfo);//初始化合并语句的等价类
     /* No EC special case applies, so push it into the clause lists */
     distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels(root, restrictinfo);//分发到PlannerInfo中的子句中
  * distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels
  *    Push a completed RestrictInfo into the proper restriction or join
  *    clause list(s).
  *    下推完整的约束条件到合适的约束语句或连接语句链表中
  * This is the last step of distribute_qual_to_rels() for ordinary qual
  * clauses.  Clauses that are interesting for equivalence-class processing
  * are diverted to the EC machinery, but may ultimately get fed back here.
 distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels(PlannerInfo *root,
                                 RestrictInfo *restrictinfo)
     Relids      relids = restrictinfo->required_relids;
     RelOptInfo *rel;
     switch (bms_membership(relids))
         case BMS_SINGLETON:
              * There is only one relation participating in the clause, so it
              * is a restriction clause for that relation.
             rel = find_base_rel(root, bms_singleton_member(relids));
             /* Add clause to rel's restriction list */
             rel->baserestrictinfo = lappend(rel->baserestrictinfo,
             /* Update security level info */
             rel->baserestrict_min_security = Min(rel->baserestrict_min_security,
         case BMS_MULTIPLE:
              * The clause is a join clause, since there is more than one rel
              * in its relid set.
              * Check for hashjoinable operators.  (We don't bother setting the
              * hashjoin info except in true join clauses.)
              * Add clause to the join lists of all the relevant relations.
             add_join_clause_to_rels(root, restrictinfo, relids);
              * clause references no rels, and therefore we have no place to
              * attach it.  Shouldn't get here if callers are working properly.
             elog(ERROR, "cannot cope with variable-free clause");



testdb=# explain verbose select a.*,b.grbh, 
testdb-# from t_dwxx a,lateral (select t1.dwbh,t1.grbh, from t_grxx t1 inner join t_jfxx t2 on t1.dwbh = a.dwbh and t1.grbh = t2.grbh) b
testdb-# where a.dwbh = '1001'
testdb-# order by b.dwbh;
                                     QUERY PLAN                                     
 Nested Loop  (cost=15.03..36.10 rows=7 width=558)
   Output: a.dwmc, a.dwbh, a.dwdz, t1.grbh,, t1.dwbh
   ->  Seq Scan on public.t_dwxx a  (cost=0.00..1.04 rows=1 width=474)
         Output: a.dwmc, a.dwbh, a.dwdz
         Filter: ((a.dwbh)::text = '1001'::text)
   ->  Hash Join  (cost=15.03..34.99 rows=7 width=84)
         Output: t1.grbh, t1.dwbh,
         Hash Cond: ((t2.grbh)::text = (t1.grbh)::text)
         ->  Seq Scan on public.t_jfxx t2  (cost=0.00..17.20 rows=720 width=46)
               Output: t2.grbh, t2.ny,
         ->  Hash  (cost=15.00..15.00 rows=2 width=76)
               Output: t1.grbh, t1.dwbh
               ->  Seq Scan on public.t_grxx t1  (cost=0.00..15.00 rows=2 width=76)
                     Output: t1.grbh, t1.dwbh
                     Filter: ((t1.dwbh)::text = '1001'::text) -- 谓词下推
(15 rows)


(gdb) b deconstruct_jointree
Breakpoint 1 at 0x7660e3: file initsplan.c, line 718.
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, deconstruct_jointree (root=0x1a498f0) at initsplan.c:718
718   List     *postponed_qual_list = NIL;


718   List     *postponed_qual_list = NIL;
(gdb) n
725   root->nullable_baserels = NULL;
727   result = deconstruct_recurse(root, (Node *) root->parse->jointree, false,


(gdb) step
deconstruct_recurse (root=0x1a498f0, jtnode=0x1a473e0, below_outer_join=false, qualscope=0x7ffe02efe0a0, 
    inner_join_rels=0x7ffe02efe098, postponed_qual_list=0x7ffe02efe090) at initsplan.c:765
765   if (jtnode == NULL)
(gdb) p *jtnode
$1 = {type = T_FromExpr}


804     foreach(l, f->fromlist)
810       sub_joinlist = deconstruct_recurse(root, lfirst(l),
(gdb) step
deconstruct_recurse (root=0x1a498f0, jtnode=0x19bb600, below_outer_join=false, qualscope=0x7ffe02efdfa0, 
    inner_join_rels=0x7ffe02efe098, postponed_qual_list=0x7ffe02efdfa8) at initsplan.c:765
765   if (jtnode == NULL)
(gdb) p *jtnode
$2 = {type = T_RangeTblRef}
(gdb) n
1094    return joinlist;
815       *qualscope = bms_add_members(*qualscope, sub_qualscope);
(gdb) p *qualscope
$8 = (Relids) 0x0
(gdb) p *sub_qualscope
$9 = {nwords = 1, words = 0x1a920c4}
(gdb) p *sub_qualscope->words
$10 = 2
804     foreach(l, f->fromlist)
(gdb) p *jtnode
$15 = {type = T_FromExpr}


810       sub_joinlist = deconstruct_recurse(root, lfirst(l),
(gdb) p sub_qualscope->words[0]
$22 = 24
815       *qualscope = bms_add_members(*qualscope, sub_qualscope);
843       if (bms_is_subset(pq->relids, *qualscope))
(gdb) p *qualscope->words
$38 = 24
(gdb) p *pq->relids->words
$41 = 10
(gdb) n
850         *postponed_qual_list = lappend(*postponed_qual_list, pq);
856     foreach(l, (List *) f->quals)
1094    return joinlist;


815       *qualscope = bms_add_members(*qualscope, sub_qualscope);
(gdb) p *qualscope->words
$42 = 2
(gdb) p *sub_qualscope->words
$44 = 24
(gdb) n
816       sub_members = list_length(sub_joinlist);
(gdb)  p *qualscope->words
$45 = 26
843       if (bms_is_subset(pq->relids, *qualscope))
(gdb) n
844         distribute_qual_to_rels(root, pq->qual,
(gdb) step
distribute_qual_to_rels (root=0x1a498f0, clause=0x1a56ab0, is_deduced=false, below_outer_join=false, jointype=JOIN_INNER, 
    security_level=0, qualscope=0x1a920d8, ojscope=0x0, outerjoin_nonnullable=0x0, deduced_nullable_relids=0x0, 
    postponed_qual_list=0x0) at initsplan.c:1656
1656    bool    pseudoconstant = false;
#clause是t_dwxx.dwbh = t_grxx.dwbh
(gdb) n


1897    restrictinfo = make_restrictinfo((Expr *) clause,
(gdb) p *restrictinfo
$63 = {type = T_RestrictInfo, clause = 0x1a56ab0, is_pushed_down = true, outerjoin_delayed = false, can_join = true, 
  pseudoconstant = false, leakproof = false, security_level = 0, clause_relids = 0x1a92840, required_relids = 0x1a926e8, 
  outer_relids = 0x0, nullable_relids = 0x0, left_relids = 0x1a92810, right_relids = 0x1a92828, orclause = 0x0, 
  parent_ec = 0x0, eval_cost = {startup = -1, per_tuple = 0}, norm_selec = -1, outer_selec = -1, 
  mergeopfamilies = 0x1a92878, left_ec = 0x0, right_ec = 0x0, left_em = 0x0, right_em = 0x0, scansel_cache = 0x0, 
  outer_is_left = false, hashjoinoperator = 0, left_bucketsize = -1, right_bucketsize = -1, left_mcvfreq = -1, 
  right_mcvfreq = -1}
(gdb) n
1971        if (check_equivalence_delay(root, restrictinfo) &&
1972          process_equivalence(root, &restrictinfo, below_outer_join))
1971        if (check_equivalence_delay(root, restrictinfo) &&


1973          return;
deconstruct_recurse (root=0x1a498f0, jtnode=0x1a473e0, below_outer_join=false, qualscope=0x7ffe02efe0a0, 
    inner_join_rels=0x7ffe02efe098, postponed_qual_list=0x7ffe02efe090) at initsplan.c:839
839     foreach(l, child_postponed_quals)
856     foreach(l, (List *) f->quals)
(gdb) n
858       Node     *qual = (Node *) lfirst(l);
860       distribute_qual_to_rels(root, qual,
856     foreach(l, (List *) f->quals)
1094    return joinlist;
(gdb) n
1095  }
deconstruct_jointree (root=0x1a498f0) at initsplan.c:734
734   return result;


(gdb) p *root
$85 = {type = T_PlannerInfo, parse = 0x19bb1a0, glob = 0x1a53ee8, query_level = 1, parent_root = 0x0, plan_params = 0x0, 
  outer_params = 0x0, simple_rel_array = 0x1a90568, simple_rel_array_size = 6, simple_rte_array = 0x1a905b8, 
  all_baserels = 0x0, nullable_baserels = 0x0, join_rel_list = 0x0, join_rel_hash = 0x0, join_rel_level = 0x0, 
  join_cur_level = 0, init_plans = 0x0, cte_plan_ids = 0x0, multiexpr_params = 0x0, eq_classes = 0x1a92650, 
  canon_pathkeys = 0x0, left_join_clauses = 0x0, right_join_clauses = 0x0, full_join_clauses = 0x0, join_info_list = 0x0, 
  append_rel_list = 0x0, rowMarks = 0x0, placeholder_list = 0x0, fkey_list = 0x0, query_pathkeys = 0x0, 
  group_pathkeys = 0x0, window_pathkeys = 0x0, distinct_pathkeys = 0x0, sort_pathkeys = 0x0, part_schemes = 0x0, 
  initial_rels = 0x0, upper_rels = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, upper_targets = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 
    0x0}, processed_tlist = 0x1a56160, grouping_map = 0x0, minmax_aggs = 0x0, planner_cxt = 0x1997040, 
  total_table_pages = 0, tuple_fraction = 0, limit_tuples = -1, qual_security_level = 0, inhTargetKind = INHKIND_NONE, 
  hasJoinRTEs = true, hasLateralRTEs = true, hasDeletedRTEs = false, hasHavingQual = false, hasPseudoConstantQuals = false, 
  hasRecursion = false, wt_param_id = -1, non_recursive_path = 0x0, curOuterRels = 0x0, curOuterParams = 0x0, 
  join_search_private = 0x0, partColsUpdated = false}
(gdb) p *root->eq_classes
$86 = {type = T_List, length = 2, head = 0x1a92630, tail = 0x1a92ad0}
(gdb) p *(Node *)root->eq_classes->head->data.ptr_value
$87 = {type = T_EquivalenceClass}
(gdb) p *(EquivalenceClass *)root->eq_classes->head->data.ptr_value
$88 = {type = T_EquivalenceClass, ec_opfamilies = 0x1a92350, ec_collation = 100, ec_members = 0x1a92590, 
  ec_sources = 0x1a924d8, ec_derives = 0x0, ec_relids = 0x1a92558, ec_has_const = false, ec_has_volatile = false, 
  ec_below_outer_join = false, ec_broken = false, ec_sortref = 0, ec_min_security = 0, ec_max_security = 0, ec_merged = 0x0}
(gdb) p *(EquivalenceClass *)root->eq_classes->head->next->data.ptr_value
$89 = {type = T_EquivalenceClass, ec_opfamilies = 0x1a92878, ec_collation = 100, ec_members = 0x1a92a30, 
  ec_sources = 0x1a92978, ec_derives = 0x0, ec_relids = 0x1a929f8, ec_has_const = true, ec_has_volatile = false, 
  ec_below_outer_join = false, ec_broken = false, ec_sortref = 0, ec_min_security = 0, ec_max_security = 0, ec_merged = 0x0}


(gdb) p *((EquivalenceClass *)root->eq_classes->head->data.ptr_value)->ec_members
$91 = {type = T_List, length = 2, head = 0x1a92570, tail = 0x1a92610}


(gdb) p *((EquivalenceClass *)root->eq_classes->head->next->data.ptr_value)->ec_members
$97 = {type = T_List, length = 3, head = 0x1a92a10, tail = 0x1a92d08}



