应用 Java 的开源库,编写一个搜索引擎,这个引擎能爬取一个网站的内容。并根据网页内容进行深度爬取,获取所有相关的网页地址和内容,用户可以通过关键词,搜索所有相关的网址。
(1) 用户可以指定爬取一个url对应的网页的内容。
(2) 对网页内容进行解析,并获取其中所有的url链接地址。
(3) 用户可以设定爬取深度,代表着从初始url对应的页面开始,可以爬取其中所有的url对应的网页内的url,以此类推。深度越大,能爬取到的网站越多。
(4) 对爬取到的url内容进行保存、建立索引。建立索引的内容是url地址本身,和url对应的网页标题。
(5) 用户可以通过关键词对网址进行搜索,找出有该关键词的url地址。
(6) 建立索引和搜索索引的过程能智能识别中文关键词,能对关键词进行分词操作。
(7) 用户可以指定保存索引的地址、初始url、爬取深度、进行搜索的关键词和最大匹配项。
- Lucene
- Jsoup
package webCrawler.Spider; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Scanner; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import webCrawler.Index.BuildIndex; /** * @author lannooo */ public class Spider { ArrayListURLs; private String startURL; private int digLevel; /** * @param startURL 爬虫的起始URL * @param digLevel 爬取深度 */ public Spider(String startURL, int digLevel){ this.startURL = startURL; this.digLevel = digLevel; this.URLs = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * @param level 当前爬取的深度剩余 * @param arrayList 需要进行下一轮爬去的URL集 * @return 从一格url集爬取到的新的URL集 * @throws IOException */ public ArrayList getLevelURLs(int level, ArrayList arrayList) throws IOException{ ArrayList total = null; if(level>0){ total = new ArrayList<>(); for(String url: arrayList){ /*对于每个arrayList中的URL,首先解析其网页内容,并获得里面所有URL项*/ for(String each: getBareLinks(url)){ total.add(each); } } /*用HashSet这个容器将total里面重复项删除*/ HashSet hashSet = new HashSet<>(total); total = new ArrayList<>(hashSet); } return total; } /** * 从startURL开始,爬取所有相关URLs * @throws IOException */ public void getAll() throws IOException{ ArrayList newURLs; ArrayList currentURLs = new ArrayList<>(); /*把startURL加入currentURLs这个列表中,从这个url开始爬*/ currentURLs.add(startURL); for(int i=digLevel; i>0; i--){ /* * 对于每一层,都要获取一次由这个url引申出去的url集 * 然后把当前集的已经爬去过的url加入到总的URL集中 * 最后newURLs作为新的需要进行深度爬取的集进入下一轮循环 */ System.out.println("Dig into level: " + (digLevel-i+1)); newURLs = getLevelURLs(i, currentURLs); for(String each: currentURLs){ URLs.add(each); } currentURLs = newURLs; } for(String each:currentURLs){ URLs.add(each); } HashSet hashSet = new HashSet<>(URLs); URLs = new ArrayList<>(hashSet); } /** * @param path 保存索引的路径 * @throws IOException */ public void storeURLsAndInfo(String path) throws IOException{ BuildIndex build = new BuildIndex(path); /* 把URLs中的所有url进行实际网页标题的爬取*/ for(String each:URLs){ String text = getLinkText(each); if(text!=null){ build.addField("url", each); build.addField("text", text); /*将这一个entry加入索引中*/ build.pushIndex(); } } build.close(); } /** * @param url 需要获取网页标题的url * @return 标题内容 * @throws IOException */ public String getLinkText(String url) throws IOException{ Document document = null; try { /*用Jsoup进行连接,设置超时时间为3秒*/ document = Jsoup.connect(url).timeout(3000).get(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[TIMEOUT]Get title of url:"+url); return null; } String title = document.title(); return title; } /** * @param url 进行内容解析的url * @return 返回该url的网页内容内的所有urls列表 * @throws IOException */ public ArrayList getBareLinks(String url) throws IOException{ ArrayList linksList = new ArrayList<>(); Document document; try { document = Jsoup.connect(url).timeout(2000).get(); } catch (Exception e) { return linksList; } /*获取标签理的所有带href属性的标签*/ Elements links ="body").select("a[href]"); for(Element link: links){ /*从每一个解析得到的标签中提取url,并去除锚点*/ String href = link.attr("abs:href").replaceAll("#", ""); /*只添加含有字符的url,去除末尾的'/'*/ if(href.contains("")){ if (href.endsWith("/")){ href = href.substring(0, href.length()-1); } linksList.add(href); } } HashSet hashSet = new HashSet<>(linksList); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>(hashSet); return arrayList; } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter url:"); String url = in.nextLine().trim(); while(!url.startsWith("http://")){ System.out.println("http:// is needed!"); System.out.println("Enter url:"); url = in.nextLine().trim(); } System.out.println("Enter depth to dig more urls[<=3 recommended]:"); int depth = in.nextInt(); Spider spider = new Spider(url, depth); System.out.println("Enter path you want to save[default=d:/index-spider]:"); String path = in.nextLine().trim(); if(path.length()==0){ path = "d:/index-spider"; } try { System.out.println("Start fetching..."); spider.getAll(); System.out.println("Urls got success!"); spider.storeURLsAndInfo(path); System.out.println("Stored success!"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
package webCrawler.Index; import*; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.TextField; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; import org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKAnalyzer; /** * @author lannooo * */ public class BuildIndex { private File file; private Directory directory; private IndexWriter indexWriter; private IndexWriterConfig config; private Analyzer analyzer; private Document document; /** * @param path 建立索引的路径 */ public BuildIndex(String path) { try { file = new File(path); directory =; document = new Document(); analyzer = new IKAnalyzer(); /*中文分词工具类*/ config = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_4_10_0, analyzer); indexWriter = new IndexWriter(directory, config); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @param fieldName 加入到document中的新的一项的名称 * @param fieldText 新的一项的内容 */ public void addField(String fieldName, String fieldText){ try{ Field field = new TextField(fieldName, fieldText, Field.Store.YES); document.add(field); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 将document加入到索引中 */ public void pushIndex(){ try { indexWriter.addDocument(document); document = new Document(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 加入完整的一个document并保存到索引中 * @param url 加入的url地址 * @param text url对应的文本 */ public void addOneIndex(String url, String text){ this.addField("url", url); this.addField("text", text); this.pushIndex(); } /** * 关闭索引写入 */ public void close(){ try { indexWriter.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
package webCrawler.Index; import; import java.util.Scanner; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.QueryParser; import; import; import; import; import; import org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKAnalyzer; /** * @author lannooo * */ public class SearchIndex { private IndexSearcher indexSearcher; private Analyzer analyzer; private QueryParser parser; private Query query; private TopDocs hits; private DirectoryReader reader; /** * @param path 进行索引搜索的路径 */ public SearchIndex(String path){ try { reader = File(path))); indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); analyzer = new IKAnalyzer(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @param fieldName 搜索的域名称 * @param text 搜索的内容 * @param matchNumber 最大匹配项数 * @return 搜索到的最大匹配数 */ public int search(String fieldName, String text, int matchNumber){ try { parser = new QueryParser(fieldName, analyzer); query = parser.parse(text); hits =, matchNumber); return hits.totalHits; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return -1; } /** * 打印所有的匹配项 */ public void printHits(){ try{ System.out.println("Total hits number:"+hits.totalHits); for(ScoreDoc doc: hits.scoreDocs){ Document document = indexSearcher.doc(doc.doc); System.out.println(document.get("url")); System.out.println(document.get("text")); } reader.close(); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { /*输入关键词*/ Scanner in = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter path of the index:"); String path = in.nextLine().trim(); while(path.length()==0){ System.out.println("Enter path of the index:"); path = in.nextLine().trim(); } System.out.println("Enter max hit number:"); int max = in.nextInt(); while(max<0){ System.out.println("Enter max hit number:"); max = in.nextInt(); } in.nextLine(); System.out.print("Search>>> "); String text = in.nextLine().trim(); /*循环读入用户的关键词,如果是q则退出,长度为0也退出*/ while(!text.equals("q")){ if(text.length()>0){ SearchIndex search = new SearchIndex(path); int hits ="text", text, max); if(hits!=-1){ search.printHits(); } } System.out.print("Search>>> "); text = in.nextLine().trim(); } } }
package webCrawler.UI; import java.util.Scanner; import webCrawler.Index.SearchIndex; /** * @author lannooo * */ public class UI { public static void main(String[] args) { /*输入关键词*/ Scanner in = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Search>>> "); String text = in.nextLine().trim(); /*对于用户的关键词,如果是q则退出,长度为0也退出*/ while(!text.equals("q") && text.length()>0){ SearchIndex search = new SearchIndex("d:/index-spider2"); int hits ="text", text, 20); if(hits!=-1){ search.printHits(); } System.out.print("Search>>> "); text = in.nextLine().trim(); } } }