
TCODE Description Functional Area *
SWU3 Automatic  workflow Customizing BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWDD workflow  Builder BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWI1 Selection report for  workflow s BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWUS Test  workflow BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWUD workflow  Diagnosis BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWEL Display Event Trace BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SBWP SAP Business Workplace BC - Communication Services: Mail, Fax, SMS, Telephony +
PFTC General Task Maintenance BC - Organizational Management +
SWETYPV Display/Maint. Event Type Linkages BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWO1 Business Object Builder BC - Business Object Builder +
SWE2 Display/Maint. Event Type Linkages BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWELS Switch Event Trace On/Off BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWIA WI Administration Report BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWEC Event Linkage for Change Documents BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWU_OBUF Runtime Buffer PD Org BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWUE Trigger an event BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SCOT SAPconnect - Administration BC - Communication Services: Mail, Fax, SMS, Telephony +
SWFVISU workflow  Visualization Metadata BC - SAP Business Workflow +
MERE workflow : Sett. Cust. Rebate Arrs. MM - Subsequent Settlement +
SWB_COND Maintain  workflow Start Conditions BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWPR WFM: Restart  workflow BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWI6 workflow s for Object BC - SAP Business Workflow +
MDM5 workflow : Mail to MRP Controller PP - Master Data +
SWPC WFM: Continue  workflow BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWI2_DIAG Diagnosis of  workflow s with Errors BC - SAP Business Workflow +
BSVW Linkage Status Update- workflow  Event CA - General Application Functions +
SWUI Start  workflow BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWU2 workflow  RFC Monitor BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWDM Business  workflow Explorer BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SG10 workflow  Overview Cross Application - Cross-Application Components +
SWUY workflow -Message Linkage BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWU9 Display  workflow Trace BC - SAP Business Workflow +
SWLD Workbench for  workflow  4.0 BC - SAP Business Workflow
