#includeint main() { int i = 10; // A simple integer variable int &j = i; // A Reference to the variable i j++; // Incrementing j will increment both i and j. // check by printing values of i and j cout<< i << j < 引用其实就是c++中的常量指针。表达式int &i = j;将会被编译器转化成int *const i = &j;而引用之所以要初始化是因为const类型变量必须初始化,这个指针也必须有所指。下面我们再次聚焦到上面这段代码,并使用编译器的那套语法将引用替换掉。
#includeint main() { int i = 10; // A simple integer variable int *const j = &i; // A Reference to the variable i (*j)++; // Incrementing j. Since reference variables are // automatically dereferenced by compiler // check by printing values of i and j cout<< i << *j < 读者一定很奇怪为什么我上面这段代码会跳过打印地址这步。这里需要一些解释。因为引用变量时会被编译器自动解引用的,那么一个诸如cout << &j << endl;的语句,编译器就会将其转化成语句cout << &*j << endl;现在&*会相互抵消,这句话变的毫无意义,而cout打印的j值就是i的地址,因为其定义语句为int *const j = &i;
所以语句cout << &i << &j << endl;变成了cout << &i << &*j << endl;这两种情况都是打印输出i的地址。这就是当我们打印普通变量和引用变量的时候会输出相同地址的原因。
#includeint main() { int i = 10; // A Simple Integer variable int &j = i; // A Reference to the variable // Now we can also create a reference to reference variable. int &k = j; // A reference to a reference variable // Similarly we can also create another reference to the reference variable k int &l = k; // A reference to a reference to a reference variable. // Now if we increment any one of them the effect will be visible on all the // variables. // First print original values // The print should be 10,10,10,10 cout<< i << "," << j << "," << k << "," << l < 下面这段代码是将上面代码中的引用替换之后代码,也就是说明我们不依赖编译器的自动替换功能,手动进行替换也能达到相同的目标。
#includeint main() { int i = 10; // A Simple Integer variable int *const j = &i; // A Reference to the variable // The variable j will hold the address of i // Now we can also create a reference to reference variable. int *const k = &*j; // A reference to a reference variable // The variable k will also hold the address of i because j // is a reference variable and // it gets auto dereferenced. After & and * cancels each other // k will hold the value of // j which it nothing but address of i // Similarly we can also create another reference to the reference variable k int *const l = &*k; // A reference to a reference to a reference variable. // The variable l will also hold address of i because k holds address of i after // & and * cancels each other. // so we have seen that all the reference variable will actually holds the same // variable address. // Now if we increment any one of them the effect will be visible on all the // variables. // First print original values. The reference variables will have * prefixed because // these variables gets automatically dereferenced. // The print should be 10,10,10,10 cout<< i << "," << *j << "," << *k << "," << *l < 我们通过下面代码可以证明c++的引用不是神马别名,它也会占用内存空间的。
#includeclass Test { int &i; // int *const i; int &j; // int *const j; int &k; // int *const k; }; int main() { // This will print 12 i.e. size of 3 pointers cout<< "size of class Test = " << sizeof(class Test) < 结论
#includeclass A { public: virtual void print() { cout<<"A.."< 读到这里,这篇“C++中的引用方法”文章已经介绍完毕,想要掌握这篇文章的知识点还需要大家自己动手实践使用过才能领会,如果想了解更多相关内容的文章,欢迎关注创新互联行业资讯频道。