Oracle Study之-AIX6.1构建Oracle 10gR2 RAC(4)
创新互联专注于虎林网站建设服务及定制,我们拥有丰富的企业做网站经验。 热诚为您提供虎林营销型网站建设,虎林网站制作、虎林网页设计、虎林网站官网定制、微信小程序定制开发服务,打造虎林网络公司原创品牌,更为您提供虎林网站排名全网营销落地服务。
[root@aix203 /]#cd /home/oracle/p6718715_10203_AIX64-5L/
[root@aix203 p6718715_10203_AIX64-5L]#./
./ output will be logged in /tmp/rootpre.out_16-03-15.17:51:20
Saving the original files in /etc/ora_save_16-03-15.17:51:20....
Copying new kernel extension to /etc....
./[295]: test: argument expected
Loading the kernel extension from /etc
Oracle Kernel Extension Loader for AIX
Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Oracle Corporation
Kernel Extension /etc/pw-syscall.64bit_kernel already loaded, unloading it
Unconfigured the kernel extension successfully
Unloaded the kernel extension successfully
Successfully loaded /etc/pw-syscall.64bit_kernel with kmid: 0x50e5d000
Successfully configured /etc/pw-syscall.64bit_kernel with kmid: 0x50e5d000
The kernel extension was successfuly loaded.
./[360]: test: argument expected
Checking if group services should be configured....
Please confirm your Oracle userid is a member of the group: hagsuser
Configuring HACMP group services socket for possible use by Oracle.
[oracle@aix203 cluvfy]$./ USAGE: cluvfy [ -help ] cluvfy stage { -list | -help } cluvfy stage {-pre|-post}[-verbose] cluvfy comp { -list | -help } cluvfy comp [-verbose] [oracle@aix203 cluvfy]$./ stage -pre crsinst -n aix203,aix204 -verbose Performing pre-checks for cluster services setup Checking node reachability... Check: Node reachability from node "aix203" Destination Node Reachable? ------------------------------------ ------------------------ aix203 yes aix204 yes Result: Node reachability check passed from node "aix203". Checking user equivalence... Check: User equivalence for user "oracle" Node Name Comment ------------------------------------ ------------------------ aix204 passed aix203 passed Result: User equivalence check passed for user "oracle". Checking administrative privileges... Check: Existence of user "oracle" Node Name User Exists Comment ------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ aix204 yes passed aix203 yes passed Result: User existence check passed for "oracle". Check: Existence of group "oinstall" Node Name Status Group ID ------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ aix204 exists 300 aix203 exists 300 Result: Group existence check passed for "oinstall". Check: Membership of user "oracle" in group "oinstall" [as Primary] Node Name User Exists Group Exists User in Group Primary Comment ---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ aix204 yes yes yes yes passed aix203 yes yes yes yes passed Result: Membership check for user "oracle" in group "oinstall" [as Primary] passed. Administrative privileges check passed. Checking node connectivity... Interface information for node "aix204" Interface Name IP Address Subnet ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- en0 en2 Interface information for node "aix203" Interface Name IP Address Subnet ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- en0 en2 Check: Node connectivity of subnet "" Source Destination Connected? ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- aix204:en0 aix203:en0 yes Result: Node connectivity check passed for subnet "" with node(s) aix204,aix203. Check: Node connectivity of subnet "" Source Destination Connected? ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- aix204:en2 aix203:en2 yes Result: Node connectivity check passed for subnet "" with node(s) aix204,aix203. Suitable interfaces for the private interconnect on subnet "": aix204 en0: aix203 en0: Suitable interfaces for the private interconnect on subnet "": aix204 en2: aix203 en2: ERROR: Could not find a suitable set of interfaces for VIPs. Result: Node connectivity check failed. Checking system requirements for 'crs'... No checks registered for this product. Pre-check for cluster services setup was unsuccessful on all the nodes.
[root@aix203 /]#crsctl check crs
CSS appears healthy
CRS appears healthy
EVM appears healthy
[root@aix203 /]#crs_stat -t
Name Type Target State Host ------------------------------------------------------------ ora.aix203.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE aix203 ora.aix203.ons application ONLINE ONLINE aix203 application ONLINE ONLINE aix203 ora.aix204.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE aix204 ora.aix204.ons application ONLINE ONLINE aix204 application ONLINE ONLINE aix204
[root@aix204 bin]#crsctl check crs
CSS appears healthy
CRS appears healthy
EVM appears healthy
[root@aix204 bin]#crs_stat -t
Name Type Target State Host ------------------------------------------------------------ ora.aix203.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE aix203 ora.aix203.ons application ONLINE ONLINE aix203 application ONLINE ONLINE aix203 ora.aix204.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE aix204 ora.aix204.ons application ONLINE ONLINE aix204 application ONLINE ONLINE aix204
---- 至此,CRS安装配置成功 !
------未完,待续 !