
这篇文章主要介绍了EA画UML图中Types and Multiplicity有什么用,具有一定借鉴价值,感兴趣的朋友可以参考下,希望大家阅读完这篇文章之后大有收获,下面让小编带着大家一起了解一下。

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7.5.1 Summary(概要)

Types and multiplicity are used in the declaration of Elements that contain values, in order to constrain the kind and number of values that may be contained.


7.5.2 Abstract Syntax(抽象语法)

EA画UML图中Types and Multiplicity有什么用

Figure 7.10 Abstract syntax of types and multiplicity elements

7.5.3 Semantics(语义) Types and Typed Elements(类型和类型化元素)

A Type specifies a set of allowed values known as the instances of the Type. Depending on the kind of Type, instances of the Type may be created or destroyed over time. However, the rules for what constitutes an instance of the Type remain fixed by the definition of that Type. All Types in UML are Classifiers (see Clause 9).


A TypedElement is a NamedElement that, in some way, represents particular values. Depending on the kind of TypedElement, the actual values that it represents may change over time. Examples of kinds of TypedElement include
ValueSpecification, which directly specifies a collection of values (see Clause 8), and StructuralFeature, which represents values held as part of the structure of the instances of the Classifier that owns it (see sub clause 9.4).


If a TypedElement has an associated Type, then any value represented by the TypedElement (at any point in time) shall be an instance of the given Type. A TypeElement with no associated Type may represent any value.

如果一个类型化元素有一个关联类型,那么被这个类型化元素表达的任何值都给应该是给定类型的实例。没有关联类型的类型化元素可能表现任何值。 Multiplicities(多重度)

A MultiplicityElement is an Element that may be instantiated in some way to represent a collection of values.Depending on the kind of MultiplicityElement, the values in the collection may change over time. Examples of kinds of
MultiplicityElement include StructuralFeature, which has values in the context of an instance of the Classifier that owns it (see sub clause 9.4) and Variable, which has values in the context of the execution of an Activity (see sub clause 15.2).


The cardinality of a collection is the number of values contained in that collection. The multiplicity of a MultiplicityElement specifies valid cardinalities of the collection it represents. The multiplicity is a constraint on the cardinality, which shall not be less than the lower bound and not greater than the upper bound specified for the multiplicity (unless the multiplicity is unlimited, in which case there is no constraint on the upper bound).


The lower and upper bounds for the multiplicity of a MultiplicityElement are specified by ValueSpecifications (see Clause 8), which must evaluate to an Integer value for the lowerBound and an UnlimitedNatural value for the upperBound (see Clause 21 on Primitive Types). A MultiplicityElement is unlimited if its upperBound has the UnlimitedNatural value of unlimited (“*”). A MultiplicityElement is multivalued if it has an upperBound greater than 1 (including unbounded). A MultiplicityElement that is not multivalued can represent at most a single value.


A MultiplicityElement can define a multiplicity both of whose bounds are zero. This restricts the allowed cardinality to be 0; that is, it requires that an instantiation of this element contain no values. This is useful in the context of Generalizations (see sub clause 9.2) to constrain the cardinalities of a more general Classifier. It applies to (but is not limited to) redefining properties existing in more general Classifiers.


If the MultiplicityElement is specified as ordered (i.e., isOrdered is true), then the collection of values in an instantiation of this Element is ordered. This ordering implies that there is a mapping from positive integers to the elements of the collection of values. If a MultiplicityElement is not multivalued, then the value for isOrdered has no semantic effect.


If the MultiplicityElement is specified as unordered (i.e., isOrdered is false), then no assumptions can be made about the order of the values in an instantiation of this Element.


If the MultiplicityElement is specified as unique (i.e., isUnique is true), then the collection of values in an instantiation of this Element must be unique. That is, no two values in the collection may be equal, where equality of objects (instances of Classes) is based on object identity while equality of data values (instances of DataTypes) and Signal instances is based on value (see also sub clauses 10.2, 10.3, and 11.4 on DataTypes, Signals and Classes, respectively ). If a MultiplicityElement is not multivalued, then the value for isUnique has no semantic effect.


Taken together, the isOrdered and isUnique properties can be used to specify that the collection of values in an instantiation of a MultiplicityElement is of one of four types. Table 7.1 shows the traditional names given to each of these collection types.


Table 7.1 Collection types for MultiplicityElements

EA画UML图中Types and Multiplicity有什么用

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