1 ,两两对换
2, 放入数组,倒置数组
3, 递归实现
#include#include typedef struct Node { int data; struct Node *pnext; } Node,*pnode; pnode CreateNode() { pnode phead=(pnode)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if(phead==NULL) { printf("fail to allocate memory"); return -1; } phead->pnext=NULL; int n; pnode ph=phead; for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { pnode p=(pnode)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if(p==NULL) { printf("fail to allocate memory"); return -1; } p->data=(i+2)*19; phead->pnext=p; p->pnext=NULL; phead=phead->pnext; } return ph; } int list(pnode head) { int count=0; printf("遍历结果:\n"); while(head->pnext!=NULL) { printf("%d\t",head->pnext->data); head=head->pnext; count++; } printf("链表长度为:%d\n",count); return count; } pnode reverse2(pnode head)//两两节点之间不断交换 { if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL) return head; pnode pre = NULL; pnode next = NULL; while(head != NULL){ next = head->next; head->next = pre; pre = head; head = next; } return pre; } void reverse1(pnode head,int count)//把链表的节点值放在数组中,倒置数组 { int a[5]= {0}; for(int i=0; i pnext!=NULL; i++) { a[i]=head->pnext->data; head=head->pnext; } for(int j=0,i=count-1; j pnext = pre; if(t == NULL) return cur; //返回无头节点的指针,遍历的时候注意 reverse3(cur,t,t->pnext); } pnode new_reverse3(pnode head){ //新的递归转置 if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL) return head; pnode new_node = new_reverse3(head->next); head->next->next = head; head->next = NULL; return new_node; //返回新链表头指针 } int main() { pnode p=CreateNode(); pnode p3=CreateNode(); int n=list(p); printf("1反转之后:\n"); reverse1(p,n); printf("\n"); printf("2反转之后:\n"); pnode p1=reverse2(p); list(p1); p3 -> pnext = reverse3(NULL,p3 -> pnext,p3->pnext->pnext); printf("3反转之后:\n"); list(p3); free(p); free(p1); free(p3); return 0; }