python三角函数图像 python绘制三角函数图像


在python中,有一个math module,你可以import math,里面有math.sin(), math.cos(), math.asin()和math.acos()四个函数。相信你也知道asin和acos的意思,就是arcsin和arccos。有了这四个函数你就可以求函数值和角度了。但是要注意括号里面填的数值,要用弧度制。


简单python语言编程:采用自顶向下设计方法编写程序:在屏幕上打印三角函数y = sin(x)的图像。

I just wrote an simple one for one other guy.

You may check it here and see if it's useful for you.

如何用python完成:用自顶向下设计方法编写程序:在屏幕上打印三角函数y = sin(x)的图像。

I wrote this in Tkinter for you, in case you don't know Tkinter, it is a built-in module for most python versions.

If you want a commandline version, you can ask me, but tell you what, since those values are all

float numbers, so it's hard to get a precise graph in commandline window.

Well, in this version, I enlarged each element's position by 40 and then change them to integer, guess this is an endurable loss of precision.


from math import radians

from math import sin

from Tkinter import *

pos = []

xPos = 0

centerX = 0

centerY = 0

for deg in range(-360, 361, 10):

pos.append([xPos, int(40*(sin(radians(deg))))]) #1000 too big for my screen


if deg == 0:

centerX = xPos-1

centerY = pos[-1][1]

root = Tk()

root.title('trianble graph from -180 to 180')

width, height = 550, 450

mHei = height/2

mWid = width/2

canvas = Canvas(root, width=width, height=height)

canvas.create_line(0, mHei, width, mHei)   #x axis

canvas.create_line(mWid, 0, mWid, height)  #y axis

xStep = (width-150)/len(pos)

yStep = (height-150)/len(pos)

radius = 3

# the middle point (sin(0) is first drawn and used as position reference for all

canvas.create_oval(mWid-radius, mHei-radius, mWid+radius, mHei+radius, fill='green')

print pos

print xStep, yStep, centerX, centerY


for i in pos:

if i[0] == centerX: #center processed already.


x = mWid + xStep*(i[0]-centerX)

# y is smaller, the bigger the value, so use minus

y = mHei - yStep*(i[1]-centerY)

canvas.create_oval(x-radius, y-radius, x+radius, y+radius, fill='green')



当前标题:python三角函数图像 python绘制三角函数图像