java源代码微盘 java web项目源码 百度网盘




// CheckerDrag.javaimport java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;public class CheckerDrag extends java.applet.Applet{ // Dimension of checkerboard square. // 棋盘上每个小方格的尺寸 final static int SQUAREDIM = 40; // Dimension of checkerboard -- includes black outline. // 棋盘的尺寸 – 包括黑色的轮廓线 final static int BOARDDIM = 8 * SQUAREDIM + 2; // Dimension of checker -- 3/4 the dimension of a square. // 棋子的尺寸 – 方格尺寸的3/4 final static int CHECKERDIM = 3 * SQUAREDIM / 4; // Square colors are dark green or white. // 方格的颜色为深绿色或者白色 final static Color darkGreen = new Color (0, 128, 0); // Dragging flag -- set to true when user presses mouse button over checker // and cleared to false when user releases mouse button. // 拖动标记 --当用户在棋子上按下鼠标按键时设为true, // 释放鼠标按键时设为false boolean inDrag = false; // Left coordinate of checkerboard's upper-left corner. // 棋盘左上角的左方向坐标 int boardx; // Top coordinate of checkerboard's upper-left corner. //棋盘左上角的上方向坐标 int boardy; // Left coordinate of checker rectangle origin (upper-left corner). // 棋子矩形原点(左上角)的左方向坐标 int ox; // Top coordinate of checker rectangle origin (upper-left corner). // 棋子矩形原点(左上角)的上方向坐标 int oy; // Left displacement between mouse coordinates at time of press and checker // rectangle origin. // 在按键时的鼠标坐标与棋子矩形原点之间的左方向位移 int relx; // Top displacement between mouse coordinates at time of press and checker // rectangle origin. // 在按键时的鼠标坐标与棋子矩形原点之间的上方向位移 int rely; // Width of applet drawing area. // applet绘图区域的宽度 int width; // Height of applet drawing area. // applet绘图区域的高度 int height; // Image buffer. // 图像缓冲 Image imBuffer; // Graphics context associated with image buffer. // 图像缓冲相关联的图形背景 Graphics imG; public void init () { // Obtain the size of the applet's drawing area. // 获取applet绘图区域的尺寸 width = getSize ().width; height = getSize ().height; // Create image buffer. // 创建图像缓冲 imBuffer = createImage (width, height); // Retrieve graphics context associated with image buffer. // 取出图像缓冲相关联的图形背景 imG = imBuffer.getGraphics (); // Initialize checkerboard's origin, so that board is centered. // 初始化棋盘的原点,使棋盘在屏幕上居中 boardx = (width - BOARDDIM) / 2 + 1; boardy = (height - BOARDDIM) / 2 + 1; // Initialize checker's rectangle's starting origin so that checker is // centered in the square located in the top row and second column from // the left. // 初始化棋子矩形的起始原点,使得棋子在第一行左数第二列的方格里居中 ox = boardx + SQUAREDIM + (SQUAREDIM - CHECKERDIM) / 2 + 1; oy = boardy + (SQUAREDIM - CHECKERDIM) / 2 + 1; // Attach a mouse listener to the applet. That listener listens for // mouse-button press and mouse-button release events. // 向applet添加一个用来监听鼠标按键的按下和释放事件的鼠标监听器 addMouseListener (new MouseAdapter () { public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e) { // Obtain mouse coordinates at time of press. // 获取按键时的鼠标坐标 int x = e.getX (); int y = e.getY (); // If mouse is over draggable checker at time // of press (i.e., contains (x, y) returns // true), save distance between current mouse // coordinates and draggable checker origin // (which will always be positive) and set drag // flag to true (to indicate drag in progress). // 在按键时如果鼠标位于可拖动的棋子上方 // (也就是contains (x, y)返回true),则保存当前 // 鼠标坐标与棋子的原点之间的距离(始终为正值)并且 // 将拖动标志设为true(用来表明正处在拖动过程中) if (contains (x, y)) { relx = x - ox; rely = y - oy; inDrag = true; } } boolean contains (int x, int y) { // Calculate center of draggable checker. // 计算棋子的中心位置 int cox = ox + CHECKERDIM / 2; int coy = oy + CHECKERDIM / 2; // Return true if (x, y) locates with bounds // of draggable checker. CHECKERDIM / 2 is the // radius. // 如果(x, y)仍处于棋子范围内则返回true // CHECKERDIM / 2为半径 return (cox - x) * (cox - x) + (coy - y) * (coy - y) CHECKERDIM / 2 * CHECKERDIM / 2; } public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent e) { // When mouse is released, clear inDrag (to // indicate no drag in progress) if inDrag is // already set. // 当鼠标按键被释放时,如果inDrag已经为true, // 则将其置为false(用来表明不在拖动过程中) if (inDrag) inDrag = false; } }); // Attach a mouse motion listener to the applet. That listener listens // for mouse drag events. //向applet添加一个用来监听鼠标拖动事件的鼠标运动监听器 addMouseMotionListener (new MouseMotionAdapter () { public void mouseDragged (MouseEvent e) { if (inDrag) { // Calculate draggable checker's new // origin (the upper-left corner of // the checker rectangle). // 计算棋子新的原点(棋子矩形的左上角) int tmpox = e.getX () - relx; int tmpoy = e.getY () - rely; // If the checker is not being moved // (at least partly) off board, // assign the previously calculated // origin (tmpox, tmpoy) as the // permanent origin (ox, oy), and // redraw the display area (with the // draggable checker at the new // coordinates). // 如果棋子(至少是棋子的一部分)没有被 // 移出棋盘,则将之前计算的原点 // (tmpox, tmpoy)赋值给永久性的原点(ox, oy), // 并且刷新显示区域(此时的棋子已经位于新坐标上) if (tmpox boardx tmpoy boardy tmpox + CHECKERDIM boardx + BOARDDIM tmpoy + CHECKERDIM boardy + BOARDDIM) { ox = tmpox; oy = tmpoy; repaint (); } } } }); } public void paint (Graphics g) { // Paint the checkerboard over which the checker will be dragged. // 在棋子将要被拖动的位置上绘制棋盘 paintCheckerBoard (imG, boardx, boardy); // Paint the checker that will be dragged. // 绘制即将被拖动的棋子 paintChecker (imG, ox, oy); // Draw contents of image buffer. // 绘制图像缓冲的内容 g.drawImage (imBuffer, 0, 0, this); } void paintChecker (Graphics g, int x, int y) { // Set checker shadow color. // 设置棋子阴影的颜色 g.setColor (; // Paint checker shadow. // 绘制棋子的阴影 g.fillOval (x, y, CHECKERDIM, CHECKERDIM); // Set checker color. // 设置棋子颜色 g.setColor (; // Paint checker. // 绘制棋子 g.fillOval (x, y, CHECKERDIM - CHECKERDIM / 13, CHECKERDIM - CHECKERDIM / 13); } void paintCheckerBoard (Graphics g, int x, int y) { // Paint checkerboard outline. // 绘制棋盘轮廓线 g.setColor (; g.drawRect (x, y, 8 * SQUAREDIM + 1, 8 * SQUAREDIM + 1); // Paint checkerboard. // 绘制棋盘 for (int row = 0; row 8; row++) { g.setColor (((row 1) != 0) ? darkGreen : Color.white); for (int col = 0; col 8; col++) { g.fillRect (x + 1 + col * SQUAREDIM, y + 1 + row * SQUAREDIM, SQUAREDIM, SQUAREDIM); g.setColor ((g.getColor () == darkGreen) ? Color.white : darkGreen); } } } // The AWT invokes the update() method in response to the repaint() method // calls that are made as a checker is dragged. The default implementation // of this method, which is inherited from the Container class, clears the // applet's drawing area to the background color prior to calling paint(). // This clearing followed by drawing causes flicker. CheckerDrag overrides // update() to prevent the background from being cleared, which eliminates // the flicker. // AWT调用了update()方法来响应拖动棋子时所调用的repaint()方法。该方法从 // Container类继承的默认实现会在调用paint()之前,将applet的绘图区域清除 // 为背景色,这种绘制之后的清除就导致了闪烁。CheckerDrag重写了update()来 // 防止背景被清除,从而消除了闪烁。 public void update (Graphics g) { paint (g); }}


俄罗斯方块——java源代码提供 import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; //俄罗斯方块类 public class ERS_Block extends Frame{ public static boolean isPlay=false; public static int level=1,score=0; public static TextField scoreField,levelField; public static MyTimer timer; GameCanvas gameScr; public static void main(String[] argus){ ERS_Block ers = new ERS_Block("俄罗斯方块游戏 V1.0 Author:Vincent"); WindowListener win_listener = new WinListener(); ers.addWindowListener(win_listener); } //俄罗斯方块类的构造方法 ERS_Block(String title){ super(title); setSize(600,480); setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2)); gameScr = new GameCanvas(); gameScr.addKeyListener(gameScr); timer = new MyTimer(gameScr); timer.setDaemon(true); timer.start(); timer.suspend(); add(gameScr); Panel rightScr = new Panel(); rightScr.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1,0,30)); rightScr.setSize(120,500); add(rightScr); //右边信息窗体的布局 MyPanel infoScr = new MyPanel(); infoScr.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1,0,5)); infoScr.setSize(120,300); rightScr.add(infoScr); //定义标签和初始值 Label scorep = new Label("分数:",Label.LEFT); Label levelp = new Label("级数:",Label.LEFT); scoreField = new TextField(8); levelField = new TextField(8); scoreField.setEditable(false); levelField.setEditable(false); infoScr.add(scorep); infoScr.add(scoreField); infoScr.add(levelp); infoScr.add(levelField); scorep.setSize(new Dimension(20,60)); scoreField.setSize(new Dimension(20,60)); levelp.setSize(new Dimension(20,60)); levelField.setSize(new Dimension(20,60)); scoreField.setText("0"); levelField.setText("1"); //右边控制按钮窗体的布局 MyPanel controlScr = new MyPanel(); controlScr.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1,0,5)); rightScr.add(controlScr); //定义按钮play Button play_b = new Button("开始游戏"); play_b.setSize(new Dimension(50,200)); play_b.addActionListener(new Command(Command.button_play,gameScr)); //定义按钮Level UP Button level_up_b = new Button("提高级数"); level_up_b.setSize(new Dimension(50,200)); level_up_b.addActionListener(new Command(Command.button_levelup,gameScr)); //定义按钮Level Down Button level_down_b =new Button("降低级数"); level_down_b.setSize(new Dimension(50,200)); level_down_b.addActionListener(new Command(Command.button_leveldown,gameScr)); //定义按钮Level Pause Button pause_b =new Button("游戏暂停"); pause_b.setSize(new Dimension(50,200)); pause_b.addActionListener(new Command(Command.button_pause,gameScr)); //定义按钮Quit Button quit_b = new Button("退出游戏"); quit_b.setSize(new Dimension(50,200)); quit_b.addActionListener(new Command(Command.button_quit,gameScr)); controlScr.add(play_b); controlScr.add(level_up_b); controlScr.add(level_down_b); controlScr.add(pause_b); controlScr.add(quit_b); setVisible(true); gameScr.requestFocus(); } } //重写MyPanel类,使Panel的四周留空间 class MyPanel extends Panel{ public Insets getInsets(){ return new Insets(30,50,30,50); } } //游戏画布类 class GameCanvas extends Canvas implements KeyListener{ final int unitSize = 30; //小方块边长 int rowNum; //正方格的行数 int columnNum; //正方格的列数 int maxAllowRowNum; //允许有多少行未削 int blockInitRow; //新出现块的起始行坐标 int blockInitCol; //新出现块的起始列坐标 int [][] scrArr; //屏幕数组 Block b; //对方快的引用 //画布类的构造方法 GameCanvas(){ rowNum = 15; columnNum = 10; maxAllowRowNum = rowNum - 2; b = new Block(this); blockInitRow = rowNum - 1; blockInitCol = columnNum/2 - 2; scrArr = new int [32][32]; } //初始化屏幕,并将屏幕数组清零的方法 void initScr(){ for(int i=0;irowNum;i++) for (int j=0; jcolumnNum;j++) scrArr[j]=0; b.reset(); repaint(); } //重新刷新画布方法 public void paint(Graphics g){ for(int i = 0; i rowNum; i++) for(int j = 0; j columnNum; j++) drawUnit(i,j,scrArr[j]); } //画方块的方法 public void drawUnit(int row,int col,int type){ scrArr[row][col] = type; Graphics g = getGraphics(); tch(type){ //表示画方快的方法 case 0: g.setColor(;break; //以背景为颜色画 case 1: g.setColor(;break; //画正在下落的方块 case 2: g.setColor(Color.magenta);break; //画已经落下的方法 } g.fill3DRect(col*unitSize,getSize().height-(row+1)*unitSize,unitSize,unitSize,true); g.dispose(); } public Block getBlock(){ return b; //返回block实例的引用 } //返回屏幕数组中(row,col)位置的属性值 public int getScrArrXY(int row,int col){ if (row 0 || row = rowNum || col 0 || col = columnNum) return(-1); else return(scrArr[row][col]); } //返回新块的初始行坐标方法 public int getInitRow(){ return(blockInitRow); //返回新块的初始行坐标 } //返回新块的初始列坐标方法 public int getInitCol(){ return(blockInitCol); //返回新块的初始列坐标 } //满行删除方法 void deleteFullLine(){ int full_line_num = 0; int k = 0; for (int i=0;irowNum;i++){ boolean isfull = true; L1:for(int j=0;jcolumnNum;j++) if(scrArr[j] == 0){ k++; isfull = false; break L1; } if(isfull) full_line_num++; if(k!=0 k-1!=i !isfull) for(int j = 0; j columnNum; j++){ if (scrArr[j] == 0) drawUnit(k-1,j,0); else drawUnit(k-1,j,2); scrArr[k-1][j] = scrArr[j]; } } for(int i = k-1 ;i rowNum; i++){ for(int j = 0; j columnNum; j++){ drawUnit(i,j,0); scrArr[j]=0; } } ERS_Block.score += full_line_num; ERS_Block.scoreField.setText(""+ERS_Block.score); } //判断游戏是否结束方法 boolean isGameEnd(){ for (int col = 0 ; col columnNum; col ++){ if(scrArr[maxAllowRowNum][col] !=0) return true; } return false; } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){ } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){ } //处理键盘输入的方法 public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){ if(!ERS_Block.isPlay) return; tch(e.getKeyCode()){ case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:b.fallDown();break; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:b.leftMove();break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:b.rightMove();break; case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE:b.leftTurn();break; } } } //处理控制类 class Command implements ActionListener{ static final int button_play = 1; //给按钮分配编号 static final int button_levelup = 2; static final int button_leveldown = 3; static final int button_quit = 4; static final int button_pause = 5; static boolean pause_resume = true; int curButton; //当前按钮 GameCanvas scr; //控制按钮类的构造方法 Command(int button,GameCanvas scr){ curButton = button; this.scr=scr; } //按钮执行方法 public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e){ tch(curButton){ case button_play:if(!ERS_Block.isPlay){ scr.initScr(); ERS_Block.isPlay = true; ERS_Block.score = 0; ERS_Block.scoreField.setText("0"); ERS_Block.timer.resume(); } scr.requestFocus(); break; case button_levelup:if(ERS_Block.level 10){ ERS_Block.level++; ERS_Block.levelField.setText(""+ERS_Block.level); ERS_Block.score = 0; ERS_Block.scoreField.setText(""+ERS_Block.score); } scr.requestFocus(); break; case button_leveldown:if(ERS_Block.level 1){ ERS_Block.level--; ERS_Block.levelField.setText(""+ERS_Block.level); ERS_Block.score = 0; ERS_Block.scoreField.setText(""+ERS_Block.score); } scr.requestFocus(); break; case button_pause:if(pause_resume){ ERS_Block.timer.suspend(); pause_resume = false; }else{ ERS_Block.timer.resume(); pause_resume = true; } scr.requestFocus(); break; case button_quit:System.exit(0); } } } //方块类 class Block { static int[][] pattern = { {0x0f00,0x4444,0x0f00,0x4444},//用十六进至表示,本行表示长条四种状态 {0x04e0,0x0464,0x00e4,0x04c4}, {0x4620,0x6c00,0x4620,0x6c00}, {0x2640,0xc600,0x2640,0xc600}, {0x6220,0x1700,0x2230,0x0740}, {0x6440,0x0e20,0x44c0,0x8e00}, {0x0660,0x0660,0x0660,0x0660} }; int blockType; //块的模式号(0-6) int turnState; //块的翻转状态(0-3) int blockState; //快的下落状态 int row,col; //块在画布上的坐标 GameCanvas scr; //块类的构造方法 Block(GameCanvas scr){ this.scr = scr; blockType = (int)(Math.random() * 1000)%7; turnState = (int)(Math.random() * 1000)%4; blockState = 1; row = scr.getInitRow(); col = scr.getInitCol(); } //重新初始化块,并显示新块 public void reset(){ blockType = (int)(Math.random() * 1000)%7; turnState = (int)(Math.random() * 1000)%4; blockState = 1; row = scr.getInitRow(); col = scr.getInitCol(); dispBlock(1); } //实现“块”翻转的方法 public void leftTurn(){ if(assertValid(blockType,(turnState + 1)%4,row,col)){ dispBlock(0); turnState = (turnState + 1)%4; dispBlock(1); } } //实现“块”的左移的方法 public void leftMove(){ if(assertValid(blockType,turnState,row,col-1)){ dispBlock(0); col--; dispBlock(1); } } //实现块的右移 public void rightMove(){ if(assertValid(blockType,turnState,row,col+1)){ dispBlock(0); col++; dispBlock(1); } } //实现块落下的操作的方法 public boolean fallDown(){ if(blockState == 2) return(false); if(assertValid(blockType,turnState,row-1,col)){ dispBlock(0); row--; dispBlock(1); return(true); }else{ blockState = 2; dispBlock(2); return(false); } } //判断是否正确的方法 boolean assertValid(int t,int s,int row,int col){ int k = 0x8000; for(int i = 0; i 4; i++){ for(int j = 0; j 4; j++){ if((int)(pattern[t][s]k) != 0){ int temp = scr.getScrArrXY(row-i,col+j); if (temp0||temp==2) return false; } k = k 1; } } return true; } //同步显示的方法 public synchronized void dispBlock(int s){ int k = 0x8000; for (int i = 0; i 4; i++){ for(int j = 0; j 4; j++){ if(((int)pattern[blockType][turnState]k) != 0){ scr.drawUnit(row-i,col+j,s); } k=k1; } } } } //定时线程 class MyTimer extends Thread{ GameCanvas scr; public MyTimer(GameCanvas scr){ this.scr = scr; } public void run(){ while(true){ try{ sleep((10-ERS_Block.level + 1)*100); } catch(InterruptedException e){} if(!scr.getBlock().fallDown()){ scr.deleteFullLine(); if(scr.isGameEnd()){ ERS_Block.isPlay = false; suspend(); }else scr.getBlock().reset(); } } } } class WinListener extends WindowAdapter{ public void windowClosing (WindowEvent l){ System.exit(0); } } 22


package com.io2.homework;









public class MyMultipleFileZip


private String currentZipFilePath = "F:/";

private String sourceFilePath;

private ZipOutputStream zos;

private FileInputStream fis;

public MyMultipleFileZip(String sourceFilePath)




this.sourceFilePath = sourceFilePath;

zos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(currentZipFilePath));



} catch (FileNotFoundException e)





// 在当前条目中写入具体内容

public void writeToEntryZip(String filePath)




fis = new FileInputStream(filePath);

} catch (FileNotFoundException e1)




byte[] buff = new byte[1024];

int len = 0;



while ((len = != -1)


zos.write(buff, 0, len);


} catch (IOException e)





if (fis != null)




} catch (IOException e)






// 添加文件条目

public void addFileEntryZip(String fileName)




zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(fileName));

} catch (IOException e)





public void addDirectoryEntryZip(String directoryName)




zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(directoryName + "/"));

} catch (IOException e)





// 遍历文件夹

public void listMyDirectory(String filePath)


File f = new File(filePath);

File[] files = f.listFiles();



for (File currentFile : files)


// 设置条目名称(此步骤非常关键)

String entryName= currentFile.getAbsolutePath().split(":")[1].substring(1);

// 获取文件物理路径

String absolutePath = currentFile.getAbsolutePath();

if (currentFile.isDirectory())














// 主要流程

public void mainWorkFlow()







} catch (IOException e)





public static void main(String[] args)


new MyMultipleFileZip("F:/fountainDirectory").mainWorkFlow();





import javax.crypto.*;


* 本例解释如何利用DES私钥加密算法加解密


* @author Devon

* @version 1.0 04/03/10


public class SingleKeyExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {

try {

String algorithm = "DES"; //定义加密算法,可用 DES,DESede,Blowfish

String message = "Hello World. 这是待加密的信息";

// 生成个DES密钥

KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance(algorithm);

keyGenerator.init(56); //选择DES算法,密钥长度必须为56位

Key key = keyGenerator.generateKey(); //生成密钥

// 生成Cipher对象

Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES");


cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key); //操作模式为加密(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE),key为密钥

byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(message.getBytes()); //得到加密后的字节数组

System.out.println("加密后的信息: " + new String(cipherText));


cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key); //操作模式为解密,key为密钥

byte[] sourceText = cipher.doFinal(cipherText); //获得解密后字节数组

System.out.println("解密后的信息: " + new String(sourceText));

} catch (Exception ex) {






* @author Devon




import javax.crypto.*;

public class PairKeyExample {

public static void main(String argv[]) {

try {

String algorithm = "RSA"; //定义加密算法,可用 DES,DESede,Blowfish

String message = "张三,你好,我是李四";


KeyPairGenerator keyGeneratorZhang =

KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(algorithm); //指定采用的算法

keyGeneratorZhang.initialize(1024); //指定密钥长度为1024位

KeyPair keyPairZhang = keyGeneratorZhang.generateKeyPair(); //产生密钥对


// 张三生成公钥(publicKeyZhang)并发送给李四,这里发送的是公钥的数组字节

byte[] publicKeyZhangEncode = keyPairZhang.getPublic().getEncoded();



KeyFactory keyFacoryLi = KeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm); //得到KeyFactory对象

X509EncodedKeySpec x509KeySpec =

new X509EncodedKeySpec(publicKeyZhangEncode); //公钥采用X.509编码

PublicKey publicKeyZhang = keyFacoryLi.generatePublic(x509KeySpec); //将公钥的KeySpec对象转换为公钥



Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding"); //得到Cipher对象

cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKeyZhang); //用张三的公钥初始化Cipher对象

byte[] cipherMessage = cipher.doFinal(message.getBytes()); //得到加密信息

System.out.println("加密后信息:" + new String(cipherMessage));



cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keyPairZhang.getPrivate()); //张三用其私钥初始化Cipher对象

byte[] originalMessage = cipher.doFinal(cipherMessage); //得到解密后信息

System.out.println("张三收到信息,解密后为:" + new String(originalMessage));

} catch (Exception ex) {





网页标题:java源代码微盘 java web项目源码 百度网盘