import requests import os from urllib.parse import urlencode from hashlib import md5 from multiprocessing.pool import Pool from requests import codes def get_page(offset): params = { "offset":offset, "format":"json", "keyword":"街拍", "autoload":"true", "count":"20", "cur_tab":"1", "from":"search_tab" } url = '/tupian/20230522/& try: response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: # print(url) return response.json() except requests.ConnectionError: return None # get_page(0) def get_images(json): if json.get('data'): for item in json.get('data'): if item.get('cell_type') is not None: continue title = item.get('title') images = item.get('image_list') for image in images: yield { 'title':title, 'image':'https:' + image.get('url'), } def save_image(item): #os.path.sep 路径分隔符‘//' img_path = 'img' + os.path.sep + item.get('title') if not os.path.exists(img_path): os.makedirs(img_path) try: resp = requests.get(item.get('image')) # print(type(resp)) if codes.ok == resp.status_code: file_path = img_path + os.path.sep + '{file_name}.{file_suffix}'.format( file_name=md5(resp.content).hexdigest(),#md5是一种加密算法获取图片的二进制数据,以二进制形式写入文件 file_suffix='jpg') if not os.path.exists(file_path): with open(file_path,'wb')as f: f.write(resp.content) print('Downladed image path is %s' % file_path) else: print('Already Downloaded',file_path) except requests.ConnectionError: print('Failed to Save Image,item %s' % item) def main(offset): json = get_page(offset) for item in get_images(json): print(item) save_image(item) GROUP = 0 GROUP_END = 2 if __name__ == '__main__': pool = Pool() groups = ([x*20 for x in range(GROUP,GROUP_END)]) pool.map(main,groups) #将groups一个个调出来传给main函数 pool.close() pool.join() #保证子进程结束后再向下执行 pool.join(1) 等待一秒