




域名为什么被盗,注册者在被盗后往往会思索这个问题,他们有的把黑客想得很神,认为黑客既是电脑高手,又是社会工程高手。认为他们的密码太简单了被破解了。其实不管哪个注册商,被黑客从注册商网站那里破解了密码的可能性都不大。域名被盗,大多还是注册者自己的原因造成的。(国内某注册商X网前一段时间是自己网站有漏洞。造成数千很多影响的域名被盗,并且问题现在还在解决,丝毫看不出X网有为注册者解决问题的决心和魄力。这当别论。)  刚才说到域名被盗,大多是注册者自己的原因造成的。黑客主要是从两个方面入手来盗你的域名,一个是从你的电脑入手,一个是从你的邮箱入手。

黑你电脑有很多方法,黑你的邮箱也有很多方法。  因为比较忙,这里,我主要简单说一下黑客通过钓鱼邮件让你中招的过程。



邮件标题:Your account within for a month  邮件内容:让你给*5**6*.COM 这个域名续费,并且优惠高达50%。




Dear customer, your domain(s) is about to expire.

Customer Number for this Account: 50221355

Call 24/7 Support at (480) 505-8877

Renewal Notice

You are at risk of losing the items listed below.

Dear users,

The domain name(s) below is set to renew manually. If you do not log

in to your account and renew, they will expire. Thank you for your


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If you do not renew your domain(s) during the 12-day Renewal Grace

Period, you may incur a fee of гд511.19 in addition to the domain

renewal fee. During this time, the domain name(s) will be moved to

parked nameservers and any website or email services associated with

the domain name(s) may stop working. For further information about

Domain Renewals or Cancelled Domains, review the Domain Registration


For certain ccTLDs, if renewals are not processed in the proper

respective time frame, redemption fees may be applied and/or your

domain name may be placed on non-renewal status. You will only be able

to renew the name by calling GoDaddy. Also, refer to this help article

for more details.

NOTE: Our free product credit policy has been updated иC see Section

8 of our Universal Terms of Service for more details. Active free

products created in association with free credits from this domain

registration will expire 1 year from the renewal of the domain name if

they have been activated. Credits that have not been activated will

expire and be removed at the time the domain renews. In the event that

the Credit is redeemed, after the initial free one year period, the free product will automatically renew at the then-current renewal  price until cancelled. If you wish to cancel the automatic renewal of  the product, you may do so by visiting your GoDaddy Account and  turning off the auto-renewal feature, or by contacting GoDaddy  customer service.  Find your perfect domain name Search now at GoDaddy  New domain extensions are here, and 100s more are coming.  > Discover new domains  *Not applicable to ICANN fees, taxes, transfers, premium domains,  premium templates, Search Engine Visibility advertising budget, gift  cards or Trademark Holders/Priority Pre-registration or pre-  registration fees. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer,  sale, discount or promotion. After the initial purchase term,  discounted products will renew at the then-current renewal list price.  Offer does not apply to renewals. Offer may be changed without notice.  **Plus ICANN fee of гд1.13 per domain name per year.  ?Renewal rates do not include fees from Private Registration, Deluxe  Registration, Protected Registration, or Certified Domains. Pricing  may be changed without notice.  Prices are current as of 6/25/2014, and may be changed without notice.  All domain name registrations and renewals are non-refundable and are  subject to the terms and conditions of our Registration Agreement.  Certain domains will be billed up to 30 days prior to the renewal  date.  Copyright ? 1999-2014 GoDaddy.com, LLC. All rights reserved.  这个是伪造邮件的截

这封邮件就像一个钓饵,而你或许就是一个水中在饵边游过的鱼。  但愿没有被盗的注册者,不要去咬这个饵吧。  这只是黑客从邮箱入手中,用钓鱼邮件黑各位站长的一个手段,黑客的手段还有很多,有时间再和大家聊。  如果真的被盗了,可以联系爱晴皇岛帮你联系客服,爱晴皇岛精通英语和网站,有十多年的域名申诉及仲裁经验。
