


(Cisco Controller) >linktest B0:52:16:7D:AF:11

Link Test to B0:52:16:7D:AF:11.

    Link Test Packets Sent.......................... 20

    Link Test Packets Received...................... 20

    Local Signal Strength........................... -73dBm

    Local Signal to Noise Ratio..................... 22dB

2、show macfilter summary

(Cisco Controller) >show macfilter summary

MAC Filter RADIUS Compatibility mode............. Cisco ACS

MAC Filter Delimiter............................. Hyphen

Local Mac Filter Table

MAC Address        WLAN Id      IP Addr      Description

-----------------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------------------------

00:0e:c6:cb:66:11      8        unknown      shi-notebook

00:21:cc:67:72:11      8        unknown      Zhao-notebook

00:28:f8:b0:83:11      8        unknown      wang-notebook

00:c2:c6:ee:a4:11      5        unknown      qiao-notebook

00:db:df:a8:02:11      8        unknown      peng-notebook

04:f1:28:0f:c0:11      1        unknown      Zhang-iphone

08:10:76:1a:d9:11      5        unknown      JianK-PC1-WirelessCard

08:6d:41:c2:3a:11      8        unknown      li-notebook

08:6d:41:d4:77:11      8        unknown      Yu-notebook

08:ed:b9:e6:0d:11      8        unknown      guo-notebook

0e:4e:b4:49:57:11      5        unknown      Hu-notebook

10:02:b5:8c:d7:11      5        unknown      Ma-notebook

12:38:02:41:db:11      1        unknown      Cai-notebook

18:4f:32:1c:8e:11      8        unknown      zhengm-notebook

18:82:19:fc:08:11      1        unknown      Deng-notebook

--More-- or (q)uit

3、show cpu

(Cisco Controller) >show cpu

Current CPU(s) load: 0%

Individual CPU load: 0%/1%, 1%/1%

4、show memory statistics

(Cisco Controller) >show memory statistics

System Memory Statistics:

Total System Memory............: 728920064 bytes (695.20 MB)

Used System Memory.............: 356298752 bytes (339.81 MB)

Free System Memory.............: 372621312 bytes (355.38 MB)

Bytes allocated from RTOS......: 110691132 bytes (105.57 MB)

Chunks Free....................: 277 bytes

Number of mmapped regions......: 39

Total space in mmapped regions.: 127090688 bytes (121.21 MB)

Total allocated space..........: 52903412 bytes (50.45 MB)

Total non-inuse space..........: 57787720 bytes (55.11 MB)

Top-most releasable space......: 809752 bytes (790.77 KB)

Total allocated (incl mmap)....: 237781820 bytes (226.78 MB)

Total used (incl mmap).........: 179994100 bytes (171.66 MB)

Total free (incl mmap).........: 57787720 bytes (55.11 MB)

5、show arp switch

(Cisco Controller) >show arp switch

Number of arp entries................................ 304

  MAC Address     IP Address   Port  VLAN  Type

------------------- ---------------- ------ ------ ------

A0:3D:6F:43:DF:11    1    2    Host

A0:3D:6F:13:02:11    1    2    Host

00:6B:F1:F9:04:11    1    2    Host

A0:3D:6F:34:E1:11    1    2    Host

A0:3D:6F:AF:EF:11    1    2    Host

A0:3D:6F:AF:EF:11    1    2    Host

00:6B:F1:F8:FF:11    1    2    Host

A0:3D:6F:AF:F0:11    1    2    Host

A0:3D:6F:12:FE:11    1    2    Host

A0:3D:6F:AF:EF:11    1    2    Host

A0:3D:6F:AF:EC:11    1    2    Host

00:6B:F1:F8:FD:11    1    2    Host

A0:3D:6F:43:E0:11    1    2    Host

A0:3D:6F:AF:EB:11    1    2    Host

00:00:0C:07:AC:11   1    2    Host

Would you like to display next 15 entries? (y/n)

6、show client wlan 8

(Cisco Controller) >show client wlan 8

Number of Clients in WLAN........................ 33

MAC Address    AP Name      Status     Auth Protocol     Port Wired Mobility Role  Device Type

----------------- ----------------- ------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ----- ----------------------------

08:6d:41:c2:3a:11 15F_AP07      Associated   Yes  802.11a      1   No   Local       Unknown

30:10:b3:d0:b9:11 11F_AP03      Associated   Yes  802.11n(2.4 GHz) 1   No   Local       Unknown

38:89:2c:ca:a3:11 11F_AP02      Associated   Yes  802.11n(2.4 GHz) 1   No   Local       Unknown

40:9f:38:d4:98:11 15F_AP04      Associated   Yes  802.11n(2.4 GHz) 1   No   Local       Unknown

40:a3:cc:c2:74:11 11F_AP03      Associated   Yes  802.11a      1   No   Local       Unknown

40:f0:2f:d6:9a:11 15F_AP07      Associated   Yes  802.11n(2.4 GHz) 1   No   Local       Unknown

48:d2:24:78:1e:11 15F_AP04      Associated   Yes  802.11n(2.4 GHz) 1   No   Local       Unknown

50:5b:c2:b6:1d:11 15F_AP04      Associated   Yes  802.11n(2.4 GHz) 1   No   Local       Unknown

58:00:e3:f8:37:11 11F_AP02      Associated   Yes  802.11n(2.4 GHz) 1   No   Local       Unknown

64:5a:04:ad:3d:11 15F_AP07      Associated   Yes  802.11n(2.4 GHz) 1   No   Local       Unknown

68:5d:43:1b:59:11 15F_AP07      Associated   Yes  802.11n(2.4 GHz) 1   No   Local       Unknown

74:e5:43:06:7f:11 15F_AP07      Associated   Yes  802.11n(2.4 GHz) 1   No   Local       Unknown

78:31:c1:c2:9d:11 15F_AP07      Associated   Yes  802.11a      1   No   Local       Unknown

Would you like to display the next 15 entries? (y/n)

7、show interface summary

(Cisco Controller) >show interface summary

Number of Interfaces.......................... 6

Interface Name          Port Vlan Id  IP Address    Type   Ap Mgr Guest

-------------------------------- ---- -------- --------------- ------- ------ -----

guest               1   21  Dynamic No   No

management            1   2   Static  Yes   No

manager              1   15  Dynamic No   No

office_net            1   24  Dynamic No   No

virtual              N/A  N/A     Static  No   No

work_branch            1   22  Dynamic No   No

8、show port summary

(Cisco Controller) >show port summary

      STP  Admin  Physical  Physical  Link  Link

Pr  Type  Stat  Mode   Mode    Status  Status  Trap   POE

-- ------- ---- ------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------- -------

1  Normal  Forw Enable  Auto    100 Full  Up   Enable  N/A

2  Normal  Disa Enable  Auto    Auto    Down  Enable  N/A

3  Normal  Disa Enable  Auto    Auto    Down  Enable  Enable  (Power Off)

4  Normal  Disa Enable  Auto    Auto    Down  Enable  Enable  (Power Off)

9、show wlan summary

(Cisco Controller) >show wlan summary

Number of WLANs.................................. 9

WLAN ID  WLAN Profile Name / SSID        Status   Interface Name

-------  -------------------------------------  --------  --------------------

1     VIP / VIP         Enabled  manager

2     IT / IT          Disabled  office_net

3     TV-WIFI / TV-WIFI     Disabled  guest

4     guest / guest       Enabled  guest

5     notebook / notebook    Enabled  office_net

6     mobile / mobile      Enabled  work_branch

7     ins / ins         Disabled  office_net

8     soft / soft        Enabled  office_net

9     test / test        Disabled  manager

10、show ap summary

(Cisco Controller) >show ap summary

Number of APs.................................... 16

Global AP User Name.............................. Not Configured

Global AP Dot1x User Name........................ Not Configured

AP Name       Slots AP Model       Ethernet MAC    Location     Country IP Address    Clients

------------------ ----- -------------------- ----------------- ---------------- ------- --------------- -------

11F_AP03       2   AIR-CAP2702I-H-K9   00:6b:f1:f9:04:14 default location CN   35

11F_AP01       2   AIR-CAP2702I-H-K9   a0:3d:6f:43:df:fc default location CN   31

11F_AP04       2   AIR-CAP2702I-H-K9   a0:3d:6f:34:e1:9c default location CN   27

11F_AP02       2   AIR-CAP2702I-H-K9   a0:3d:6f:13:02:4c default location CN   17

11、debug lwapp events enable  在console上打开debug观察AP加入情况

12、show sysinfo 查看系统信息

(Cisco Controller) >show sysinfo

Manufacturer's Name.............................. Cisco Systems Inc.

Product Name..................................... Cisco Controller

Product Version..................................

Bootloader Version............................... 1.0.20

Field Recovery Image Version.....................

Firmware Version................................. PIC 20.0

Build Type....................................... DATA + WPS

System Name...................................... GTZB_WLC-01

System Location..................................

System Contact...................................

System ObjectID..................................

IP Address.......................................

IPv6 Address..................................... ::

Last Reset....................................... Power on reset

System Up Time................................... 323 days 11 hrs 30 mins 1 secs

System Timezone Location......................... (GMT +8:00) HongKong, Bejing, Chongquing

System Stats Realtime Interval................... 5

System Stats Normal Interval..................... 180

Configured Country............................... CN - China

Operating Environment............................ Commercial (0 to 40 C)

Internal Temp Alarm Limits....................... 0 to 65 C

Internal Temperature............................. +33 C

External Temperature............................. +36 C

Fan Status....................................... 3500 rpm

State of 802.11b Network......................... Enabled

State of 802.11a Network......................... Enabled

Number of WLANs.................................. 12

Number of Active Clients......................... 196

Burned-in MAC Address............................ 68:9C:E2:BF:FF:C0

Maximum number of APs supported.................. 75

System Nas-Id.................................... GT_WLC01

WLC MIC Certificate Types........................ SHA1/SHA2

13、transfer download start  查看当前的下载参数配置

(Cisco Controller) >transfer download start

Mode............................................. TFTP

Data Type........................................ Code

TFTP Server IP...................................

TFTP Packet Timeout.............................. 6

TFTP Max Retries................................. 10

TFTP Path........................................ ./

TFTP Filename.................................... gt_backup.aes

This may take some time.

Are you sure you want to start? (y/N) n

Transfer Canceled

14、config wlan disable [wlan_id]  禁用WLAN

15、save config  保存配置

16、clear config  清除配置文件

    reset system 重启设备

17、config network webmode enable 开启网页管理界面

