本篇文章给大家分享的是有关如何检测Linux Guest VM使用的哪种虚拟化技术,小编觉得挺实用的,因此分享给大家学习,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后可以有所收获,话不多说,跟着小编一起来看看吧。
如果我有一台基于云的虚拟机,并且运行了Ubuntu或CentOS的Linux服务器系统,而这些设备可能是虚拟化的,也可能不是虚拟化的,那我们应该如何去判断这台Linux Guest系统设备使用的是哪种虚拟化技术(VMWARE/ KVM/ XEN/ VirtualBox/ Container/lxc/Hyper-V等等)呢?那我们如何才能识别一台CentOS 7 Linux vps所使用的虚拟化技术类型呢?
我们需要使用virt-what程序(一个Shell脚本)来检测目标设备系统所使用的虚拟化技术类型,它可以打印出每一条关于目标设备虚拟化技术的相关信息。我们将介绍如何去判断Linux Guest VM虚拟化技术类型。
判断Linux Guest VM虚拟化技术类型
正如我们刚才说的,我们需要使用virt-what Linux命令来判断一个程序当前是否在一台虚拟机设备上运行。该脚本支持各种虚拟机管理程序,接下来,我们看看如何在不同的Linux发行版系统中安装virt-what。
Debian或Ubuntu Linux安装
$ sudo apt-get install virt-what
$ sudo apt install virt-what
在RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux VM中安装virt-what
$ sudo yum install virt-what
Fedora Linux VM安装virt-what来检测当前环境是否为虚拟机环境
$ sudo dnf install virt-what
sudo zypper in virt-what
$ $ sudo virt-whatxenxen-domU
$ $ sudo virt-whatkvm
$ $ sudo virt-whatlxc
$ sudo virt-whatxenxen-hvmaws
1、hyperv : 这是微软的Hyper-V管理程序;
2、parallels : 访客用户正在Parallels虚拟平台(Parallels Desktop、Parallels Server)中运行;
3、powervm_lx86 : 访客用户正在IBM powervm lx86 Linux/x86模拟器中运行;
4、qemu : 这是使用软件模拟技术的QEMU管理程序;
5、virtualpc : 访客用户正在微软VirualPC上运行;
6、xen-hvm : 这是一个Xen Guest完全虚拟化平台(HVM);
7、uml : 这是一个用户模式Linux(UML)客户机;
8、openvz : 访客用户正在OpenVZ或Virtuozzo容器中运行;
9、linux_vserver : 此进程正在Linux VServer容器中运行;
10、ibm_systemz : 这是一个IBM SystemZ硬件分区系统;
#!/bin/sh -# virt-what. Generated from virt-what.in by configure.# Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Red Hat Inc.## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or# (at your option) any later version.## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the# GNU General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.# 'virt-what' tries to detect the type of virtualization being# used (or none at all if we're running on bare-metal). It prints# out one or more lines each being a 'fact' about the virtualization.## Please see also the manual page virt-what(1).# This script should be run as root.## The following resources were useful in writing this script:# . http://dmo.ca/blog/detecting-virtualization-on-linux/# Do not allow unset variables, and set defaults.set -uroot=''skip_qemu_kvm=falseskip_lkvm=falseVERSION="1.20"have_cpuinfo () { test -e "${root}/proc/cpuinfo"}use_sysctl() { # Lacking /proc, on some systems sysctl can be used instead. OS=$(uname) || fail "failed to get operating system name" [ "$OS" = "OpenBSD" ]}fail () { echo "virt-what: $1" >&2 exit 1}usage () { echo "virt-what [options]" echo "Options:" echo " --help Display this help" echo " --version Display version and exit" exit 0}# Handle the command line arguments, if any.while test $# -gt 0; do case "$1" in --help) usage ;; --test-root=*) # Deliberately undocumented: used for 'make check'. root=$(echo "$1" | sed 's/.*=//') shift 1 test -z "$root" && fail "--test-root option requires a value" ;; -v|--version) echo "$VERSION"; exit 0 ;; --) shift; break ;; *) fail "unrecognized option '$1'";; esacdonetest $# -gt 0 && fail "extra operand '$1'"# Add /sbin and /usr/sbin to the path so we can find system# binaries like dmidecode.# Add /usr/libexec to the path so we can find the helper binary.prefix=/usr/localexec_prefix=${prefix}PATH="${root}${exec_prefix}/libexec:${root}/sbin:${root}/usr/sbin:${PATH}"export PATH# Check we're running as root.EFFUID=$(id -u) || fail "failed to get current user id"if [ "x$root" = "x" ] && [ "$EFFUID" -ne 0 ]; then fail "this script must be run as root"fi# Try to locate the CPU-ID helper programCPUID_HELPER=$(which virt-what-cpuid-helper 2>/dev/null)if [ -z "$CPUID_HELPER" ] ; then fail "virt-what-cpuid-helper program not found in \$PATH"fi# Many fullvirt hypervisors give an indication through CPUID. Use the# helper program to get this information.cpuid=$(virt-what-cpuid-helper)# Check for various products in the BIOS information.# Note that dmidecode doesn't exist on all architectures. On the ones# it does not, then this will return an error, which is ignored (error# message redirected into the $dmi variable).dmi=$(LANG=C dmidecode 2>&1)# Architecture.# Note for the purpose of testing, we only call uname with -m option.arch=$(uname -m | sed -e 's/i.86/i386/' | sed -e 's/arm.*/arm/')# Check for VMware.# cpuid check added by Chetan Loke.if [ "$cpuid" = "VMwareVMware" ]; then echo vmwareelif echo "$dmi" | grep -q 'Manufacturer: VMware'; then echo vmwarefi# Check for Hyper-V.# http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlosteam/archive/2010/10/30/is-this-real-the-metaphysics-of-hardware-virtualization.aspxif [ "$cpuid" = "Microsoft Hv" ]; then echo hypervfi# Check for VirtualPC.# The negative check for cpuid is to distinguish this from Hyper-V# which also has the same manufacturer string in the SM-BIOS data.if [ "$cpuid" != "Microsoft Hv" ] && echo "$dmi" | grep -q 'Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation'; then echo virtualpcfi# Check for VirtualBox.# Added by Laurent Léonard.if echo "$dmi" | grep -q 'Manufacturer: innotek GmbH'; then echo virtualboxfi# Check for bhyve.if [ "$cpuid" = "bhyve bhyve " ]; then echo bhyveelif echo "$dmi" | grep -q "Vendor: BHYVE"; then echo bhyvefi# Check for OpenVZ / Virtuozzo.# Added by Evgeniy Sokolov.# /proc/vz - always exists if OpenVZ kernel is running (inside and outside# container)# /proc/bc - exists on node, but not inside container.if [ -d "${root}/proc/vz" -a ! -d "${root}/proc/bc" ]; then echo openvzfi# Check for LXC containers# http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/ContainerInterface# Added by Marc Fournierif [ -e "${root}/proc/1/environ" ] && cat "${root}/proc/1/environ" | tr '\000' '\n' | grep -Eiq '^container='; then echo lxcfi# Check for Linux-VServerif test -e "${root}/proc/self/status" \ && cat "${root}/proc/self/status" | grep -q "VxID: [0-9]*"; then echo linux_vserver if grep -q "VxID: 0$" "${root}/proc/self/status"; then echo linux_vserver-host else echo linux_vserver-guest fifi# Check for UML.# Added by Laurent Léonard.if have_cpuinfo && grep -q 'UML' "${root}/proc/cpuinfo"; then echo umlfi# Check for IBM PowerVM Lx86 Linux/x86 emulator.if have_cpuinfo && grep -q '^vendor_id.*PowerVM Lx86' "${root}/proc/cpuinfo"then echo powervm_lx86fi# Check for Hitachi Virtualization Manager (HVM) Virtage logical partitioning.if echo "$dmi" | grep -q 'Manufacturer.*HITACHI' && echo "$dmi" | grep -q 'Product.* LPAR'; then echo virtagefi# Check for IBM SystemZ.if have_cpuinfo && grep -q '^vendor_id.*IBM/S390' "${root}/proc/cpuinfo"; then echo ibm_systemz if [ -f "${root}/proc/sysinfo" ]; then if grep -q 'VM.*Control Program.*KVM/Linux' "${root}/proc/sysinfo"; then echo ibm_systemz-kvm elif grep -q 'VM.*Control Program.*z/VM' "${root}/proc/sysinfo"; then echo ibm_systemz-zvm elif grep -q '^LPAR' "${root}/proc/sysinfo"; then echo ibm_systemz-lpar else # This is unlikely to be correct. echo ibm_systemz-direct fi fifi# Check for Parallels.if echo "$dmi" | grep -q 'Vendor: Parallels'; then echo parallels skip_qemu_kvm=truefi# Check for oVirt/RHEV.if echo "$dmi" | grep -q 'Manufacturer: oVirt'; then echo ovirtfiif echo "$dmi" | grep -q 'Product Name: RHEV Hypervisor'; then echo rhevfi# Check for Xen.if [ "$cpuid" = "XenVMMXenVMM" ] && ! echo "$dmi" | grep -q 'No SMBIOS nor DMI entry point found, sorry'; then echo xen; echo xen-hvm skip_qemu_kvm=trueelif [ -d "${root}/proc/xen" ]; then echo xen if grep -q "control_d" "${root}/proc/xen/capabilities" 2>/dev/null; then echo xen-dom0 else echo xen-domU fi skip_qemu_kvm=true skip_lkvm=trueelif [ -f "${root}/sys/hypervisor/type" ] && grep -q "xen" "${root}/sys/hypervisor/type"; then # Ordinary kernel with pv_ops. There does not seem to be # enough information at present to tell whether this is dom0 # or domU. XXX echo xenelif [ "$arch" = "arm" ] || [ "$arch" = "aarch74" ]; then if [ -d "${root}/proc/device-tree/hypervisor" ] && grep -q "xen" "${root}/proc/device-tree/hypervisor/compatible"; then echo xen skip_qemu_kvm=true skip_lkvm=true fielif [ "$arch" = "ia64" ]; then if [ -d "${root}/sys/bus/xen" -a ! -d "${root}/sys/bus/xen-backend" ]; then # PV-on-HVM drivers installed in a Xen guest. echo xen echo xen-hvm else # There is no virt leaf on IA64 HVM. This is a last-ditch # attempt to detect something is virtualized by using a # timing attack. virt-what-ia64-xen-rdtsc-test > /dev/null 2>&1 case "$?" in 0) ;; # not virtual 1) # Could be some sort of virt, or could just be a bit slow. echo virt esac fifi# Check for QEMU/KVM.## Parallels exports KVMKVMKVM leaf, so skip this test if we've already# seen that it's Parallels. Xen uses QEMU as the device model, so# skip this test if we know it is Xen.if ! "$skip_qemu_kvm"; then if [ "$cpuid" = "KVMKVMKVM" ]; then echo kvm elif [ "$cpuid" = "TCGTCGTCGTCG" ]; then echo qemu skip_lkvm=true elif echo "$dmi" | grep -q 'Product Name: KVM'; then echo kvm skip_lkvm=true elif echo "$dmi" | grep -q 'Manufacturer: QEMU'; then # The test for KVM above failed, so now we know we're # not using KVM acceleration. echo qemu skip_lkvm=true elif [ "$arch" = "arm" ] || [ "$arch" = "aarch74" ]; then if [ -d "${root}/proc/device-tree" ] && ls "${root}/proc/device-tree" | grep -q "fw-cfg"; then # We don't have enough information to determine if we're # using KVM acceleration or not. echo qemu skip_lkvm=true fi elif [ -d ${root}/proc/device-tree/hypervisor ] && grep -q "linux,kvm" /proc/device-tree/hypervisor/compatible; then # We are running as a spapr KVM guest on ppc64 echo kvm skip_lkvm=true elif use_sysctl; then # SmartOS KVM product=$(sysctl -n hw.product) if echo "$product" | grep -q 'SmartDC HVM'; then echo kvm fi else # This is known to fail for qemu with the explicit -cpu # option, since /proc/cpuinfo will not contain the QEMU # string. QEMU 2.10 added a new CPUID leaf, so this # problem only triggered for older QEMU if have_cpuinfo && grep -q 'QEMU' "${root}/proc/cpuinfo"; then echo qemu fi fifiif ! "$skip_lkvm"; then if [ "$cpuid" = "LKVMLKVMLKVM" ]; then echo lkvm elif [ "$arch" = "arm" ] || [ "$arch" = "aarch74" ]; then if [ -d "${root}/proc/device-tree" ] && grep -q "dummy-virt" "${root}/proc/device-tree/compatible"; then echo lkvm fi fifi# Check for Docker.if [ -f "${root}/.dockerinit" ]; then echo dockerfi# Check ppc64 lpar, kvm or powerkvm# example /proc/cpuinfo line indicating 'not baremetal'# platform : pSeries## example /proc/ppc64/lparcfg systemtype line# system_type=IBM pSeries (emulated by qemu)if [ "$arch" = "ppc64" ] || [ "$arch" = "ppc64le" ] ; then if have_cpuinfo && grep -q 'platform.**pSeries' "${root}/proc/cpuinfo"; then if grep -q 'model.*emulated by qemu' "${root}/proc/cpuinfo"; then echo ibm_power-kvm else # Assume LPAR, now detect shared or dedicated if grep -q 'shared_processor_mode=1' "${root}/proc/ppc64/lparcfg"; then echo ibm_power-lpar_shared else echo ibm_power-lpar_dedicated fi # detect powerkvm? fi fifi# Check for OpenBSD/VMMif [ "$cpuid" = "OpenBSDVMM58" ]; then echo vmmfi# Check for LDomsif [ "${arch#sparc}" != "$arch" ] && [ -e "${root}/dev/mdesc" ]; then echo ldoms if [ -d "${root}/sys/class/vlds/ctrl" ] && \ [ -d "${root}/sys/class/vlds/sp" ]; then echo ldoms-control else echo ldoms-guest fi MDPROP="${root}/usr/lib/ldoms/mdprop.py" if [ -x "${MDPROP}" ]; then if [ -n "$($MDPROP -v iodevice device-type=pciex)" ]; then echo ldoms-root echo ldoms-io elif [ -n "$($MDPROP -v iov-device vf-id=0)" ]; then echo ldoms-io fi fifi# Check for AWS.# AWS on Xen.if echo "$dmi" | grep -q 'Version: [0-9]\.[0-9]\.amazon'; then echo aws# AWS on baremetal or KVM.elif echo "$dmi" | grep -q 'Vendor: Amazon EC2'; then echo awsfi
配合Bash for循环并使用dmidecode命令判断目标虚拟化技术:
for i in system-manufacturer system-product-namedo sudo dmidecode -s $idone
Red HatKVM
以上就是如何检测Linux Guest VM使用的哪种虚拟化技术,小编相信有部分知识点可能是我们日常工作会见到或用到的。希望你能通过这篇文章学到更多知识。更多详情敬请关注创新互联行业资讯频道。